Also, it looks like a Model S after several generations of inbreeding...
Also, it looks like a Model S after several generations of inbreeding...
Since they won’t wear masks or get vaccinated, some of them will...but not many, because paradoxically it seems the more aggressive/violent they are with their ignorance, the less it seems to harm them...
“Moose Fuselage” is a close 2nd to “Dinosaur Pile-up” as my favorite band name.
I wouldn’t call Rivian’s glowing nostrils “good looking”...
I think you need to give yourself a bit more credit than that. The fact that I understood what you said without having to do multiple double-takes is already proof that you’ve got a firmer grasp on grammar than whoever typed that email.
Nah, they weren’t installed backwards, they just installed them according to tiller directions rather than steering wheel directions.
Honestly, if they’re not going to do multiple tests on the same sample (or take multiple samples at the same time and test each one), they might as well flip a coin to determine whether or not to diagnose someone with Covid instead of testing people for it at this point. Unless they’re obviously showing symptoms, a…
The real reason they typed that from a non-student email was because they’re not students. They wouldn’t be able to answer the essay questions on their college application with grammar that poor.
So, you’re gonna criticize how Black people speak, but without getting a single grammatical convention correct yourself?
GM managed to make the new Hummer an EV while still making it a “true” Hummer (gargantuan, boxy, offroad-capable), so I have a bit more faith in them making an EV Camaro that’s “actually” a Camaro. They’re not Ford...
Hey, at least this looks more like a “Camaro” than the Mach-E looks like a Mustang...
As long as they don’t make it a Camaro crossover...but considering GM made an EV Hummer and that’s still a “true” Hummer (and not, for instance, some unrelated, bubble-shaped, compact crossover that they decided to glue a Hummer badge on), I guess I shouldn’t be too worried.
EVs in general are hideous. BMW is just unique in downgrading their “traditional” offerings to be just as awful to look at as their electric ones.
Did they actually name him that? I thought that was just them trolling the public and that they didn’t want to reveal their child’s name publicly.
Plus, he had to make sure he finished in front of Max. Once Max pitted, Lewis also had to pit to guarantee he finished ahead in case changing to inters proved to be the correct call (it was). If he tried to gamble and stay out, he risked losing out to Max and falling further behind in the points. Even if it meant…
They’ll just expand the definition of “White”. They already did it when they expanded it to include the Irish and Italians. Next up is dropping “Hispanic” from “White Hispanic” (which I never understood the point of making a separate ethnic group anyway).
Would you really want any truly good tracks here to be neutered into what are essentially still just parking lots with a course painted on them in order to bring them up to FIA Grade 1?
Modern technology is more long as it’s 100% functional.
Also, if he’s really doing this in order to ensure quality of education, then why not HAVE MASK MANDATES if he really wants to keep kids in school so bad?