AutoBox, Roll Out!

I don’t expect a sales manager to have a full engineer’s understanding of how a car’s various systems work, but even allowing for that, his statement is just stupid. Unless he means they’re just gonna fill the entire frunk with 12V batteries that are charged separately for some reason?

Except when it’s written in dark grey on a black vehicle, hidden behind a tall shrub...

You’d think the EU would learn their lesson about this from the consequences of pushing diesel cars on everyone...

But his atrocities, as bad as they were, stayed relatively local. He was referring to things like the colonization you alluded to, and of course our own remote-control-child-killing military activities in the Middle East.

Plus, even after factoring inefficiencies, you can go much farther on far less of it (in terms of weight) than you can with batteries. 

Sorry, buddy, this is the internet. You’re contractually obligated to take side, irrespective of lack of evidence to make a truly confident decision.

“...have an infinity for...”

Do you really want silly gimmicks in the name of “excitement” though? I’d much rather have a car that doesn’t have to fake anything or resort to stupid gimmicks to pull me in. The less stuff that gets in the way of driving the car as-is, the better.

I read that Ford was paying for the hotel rooms themselves in addition to giving those affected $500. The $500 was probably just for “pain and suffering”/good will gesture.

Honestly, I think the fact that mainstream media (CNN) and the government are directly trying to correct her is going to do harm simply because the people who actually believe her are automatically primed to distrust “mainstream” sources of info. “OF COURSE the MSM and White House are trying to silence her!” 

The very website you link to says,We’ve lost at least 73,462 Black lives to COVID-19 to date. Black people account for 15% of COVID-19 deaths where race is known.” We’re 12% of the general population of the U.S., so we’re a bit overrepresented in terms of total deaths, but we’re NOT a majority of deaths...

I’m stuck on the #ballgate hashtag. Is this actually a thing now, or is she trying to make it a thing?

What’s “yikes” about her? Her outfit was actually probably one of the most toned-down ones there.

It’s gotten to the point that I’m relieved she’s at least not also an anti-masker...

My FWD Taurus on all-seasons (relatively cheap ones too) has never had an issue dealing with snow either.

Nah, Tesla has already built up a ton of positive hype about EVs. This is only going to hurt GM.

Speak for yourself! Terrible weather (especially snow/ice) really spices up my commute and makes it quite exciting! Not even being sarcastic. While it does spice up driving, when I’m not driving I still hate precipitation.

Even before Trump ran for President, I always thought the most dangerous person was an idiot with authority.

Was that the SLR McLaren around the Nordschleife, with the 2+ minute countdown every time you had to restart? That was definitely annoying, but the worst for me was the Slipstream Battle with the R-34s at Test Track (forgot which mission number that was). I tried bump drafting the pack, running the very inside of the

I actually think the Model S is easily the best-looking EV you can buy today, and it’s not even close. The rest of their models range from weird to downright hideous, and seem to be getting worse with each new release...