AutoBox, Roll Out!

A hypothetical Model 2 wouldn’t be putting out anywhere near the power of the S Plaid though. I doubt the hypothetical Roadster V2 would be under 4000 lbs either with the amount of batteries needed to provide this amount of power. To be fair, a lot of supercars are also still quite heavy.

We’ve had cheap quartz watches for decades now, so why does Rolex keep making mechanical watches that are outdated, high maintenance, and obsolete by every metric?

Cars with less than 4 doors, restricted to less than, say, 7k miles a year should be exempt.

How do you get fired for [complaining about] your day off?”

Not to mention she was one of the Senators (only Democrat among them) caught doing insider trading selling off stocks after being briefed about the Covid pandemic before most of the world knew how serious it was...

That requires Democrats to play hardball with the Republicans, which requires a spine, which is unfortunately an organ a lot of Democrat politicians are sorely missing...

To Point 1: I don’t know who any of the other Republican candidates is, but I know who Larry Elder is. He should be able to ride just on name recognition alone. The lack of unity among Republicans certainly didn’t stop Trump from winning the 2016 election. And after Trump won the party nomination, everyone thought

At least half of those good stories are just them being in the right place at the right time and have nothing to do with them specifically being cops. If CPR training were more common among “civilians” they’d easily be able to replace cops in at least half of those feel-good stories.

Dr. Wazeerud-Din seems like quite an animated individual (in a good way, of course).

Yes the worst traffic lights are the ones that only go green for ONE SIDE AT A TIME instead of doing both lanes in the opposite direction. There are several of these within a short drive from my house. Fortunately, they’re on a road that I rarely have to take; but when I do take it, sitting for 3+ minutes at a red

And him being a corrupt SOB explains how he’s president of the FOP...

And probably has enough battery capacity to do several hundred miles of street driving if it were allowed on the street...

I was waiting for someone to something about rocket engines. You did not disappoint.

Okay, but how much “fun” driving can you do with a battery that small? The only “fun” thing EVs will offer for the foreseeable future is insane acceleration (and sterilized, heavily computer-assisted handling with torque vectoring), because that’s all they CAN offer due to the weigh penalty of carrying enough

Too bad the Taycan is hideous. It’s also not faster, since this Merc will almost definitely have a MUCH higher top speed (admittedly a useless metric since there are almost no places to use such speed). It also remains to be seen if the Taycan is even quicker to 60 than the Merc since the German brands always

If charging cops doesn’t get them to stop doing this, it won’t work for paramedics either. I wouldn’t be surprised if the EMT’s tried to use the “just following orders” defense.

I wonder if NASCAR at least credited him with the correct amount of points after they discovered he won...

What is wrong with this dude? Seriously, something is obviously wrong with this guy. The typical “entitlement” explanation just seems inadequate for randomly trying to cause a massive chemical spill at a facility he owned...then ending up in Mississippi a few years later to do this...

EV design in general is just laughably lazy. Just stick a black plastic slab where a grille would normally sit and glue an iPad or 2 (or 15) to an empty dashboard, and job’s a good’un...

To be fair, it does make it easier to do the “simplify” part of Chapman’s philosophy...