AutoBox, Roll Out!

It’s a good attempt, but my favorite mascot that I’m aware of is still Gritty, and my favorite team name is the Rocket City Trash Pandas. Still, your team/mascot gets a solid 2nd place for both. Does your mascot have a name, and is it Mr. Y’all or “The Y’aller”?

Still plenty of suckers who think fully self-driving vehicles are still just a couple years away though...

Or China, Saudi Arabia, Russia, etc. All are oppressive to sizeable portions of their populations, but are still many decades old and relatively stable...

I’ve honestly never actually had to physically fight anyone in my life (yes I was an only child...why do you ask?), so idk what’s so significant about the last frame that indicates Rabid Chad was about to get a (fully deserved) beatdown?

The pickup in front of the truck that drives off before the impact looked like an escort vehicle.

You got pulled over in Louisiana and they merely bribed you? I’m surprised they didn’t beat you within an inch of your life to “teach you a lesson”. They seem to be especially fond of that, moreso than the average cop.

The Model 3 looks like the result of several generations of inbreeding Model S’s, followed by Elon beating it in the face with the biggest ugly stick he could find.

Only because the other tech zombies got to it first.

Alaska Airlines and poor maintenance you say?

Try running the heater in a Michigan Winter when the batteries have already lost a sizeable fraction of their capacity just from being cold...

Wouldn’t it be easier to wear a mask in cold weather anyway though? It definitely helps keep my face warm. It totally makes sense for people to be more reluctant to wear them in hot weather (obviously not to the levels anti-maskers are taking it though...).

Honestly, I doubt most of the people using the Tuskegee Experiment as a reason to not get vaccinated even know what the actual experiment was. If they did, they’d know this time they were doing “the government’s” job for them by willingly refusing treatment...

I was going off of the 35% quoted in the article, so it was 29.3% vs. 35%. If it’s indeed 29.3 vs. 38, that is a somewhat noticeable discrepancy (almost 10%), but like you said, the small number of Black people represented in the overall population means we’re obviously not the primary cause of it spreading (still,

One stat is saying how many out of the entire vaccinated population belong to a specific ethnicity, while the other is saying how many of a specific ethnicity have been vaccinated. Not sure why they chose to try to compare 2 statistics that are saying 2 different things, but doing some quick math based on the rest of

Another idea: drop one of these in the front of a Ford GT to give it AWD like most of the hypercars. Recreate Ford vs. Ferrari for the 21st Century it pit it against the SF90.

Have you actually heard Formula E cars? Complete silence would be a MASSIVE improvement over their “dentist drills dragging across a chalkboard” whining.

It’s definitely worse than no noise. Formula E cars sound like dentist drills being dragged across a chalkboard. Absolutely awful things to listen to. 

Usually I’m good at discerning these comments, but I can’t tell if sarcastic or...

Considering the Rimac is basically the same weight as the Plaid S, I wouldn’t expect any major weight savings or performance improvements in the “upcoming” (if it ever does get built) Roadster if it gets the exact same Plaid powertrain, because that’ll just be like a Rimac Nevera with half the power.

Bentley GT racecars might be the thing that finally gets me to bother watching an electric racing series.