Who did they poll for the questions on this, a class of third-graders?
Who did they poll for the questions on this, a class of third-graders?
What kind of Neanderthals are these women dating? I would literally donate an internal organ for an individual like this Desperately Seeking Samus. She sounds unbelievable. All I have down here in Georgia are extras from Honey Boo Boo and Deliverance.
Money. That must be an incredible thing to have.
Can we do something about those pop-over ads instead? I haven't even seen these pictures you keep talking about, but this thing that makes the whole screen dark where I can't see what I'm looking at needs to go.
Get rid of Kinja and go back to something that actually works. We've been trying to get you to do this ever since you implemented it, because Kinja is grade-A horrible and actively makes the site worse all on its own. Maybe the person that's doing this thinks what they're doing is the only way to make that happen.
What in the sweet blue fuck is wrong with people? Has the internet completely robbed everyone of their empathy and composure?
I sure wish we could delete comments. That would really be nice.
So are you, "fella". Just because I like reading news about them, doesn't mean a give a crap about video game Kickstarters.
Who said anything about video games? I don't give two shits about video games.
This dude can go fuck himself. There are a hell of a lot of people that need that $55,000 more than his potato salad does. People in real need, with student loans and medical bills, homeless people starving in the streets. I hope someone backed it just for the chance to come kick his ass.
This sounds like the angriest hipster on the planet. Y U NO PALESTINE
They were attacked by a bear at the bottom of Tokyo Bay?
I bet there's a few reptilians too, eh?
You can make an ebook piracy-proof, but by proxy you're going to make it fan-proof as well.
You can't blame kids today, half of them have never even played a Super Nintendo and the other half don't know how to use Google Image Search.
Boy, there are some hateful, ignorant motherfuckers in this comment thread.
How is it racist? He doesn't even look Asian. He just looks like someone blew dust in his face.
Somewhere there's a drone operator director dialing his HR guy with sweaty hands.
That Miles Morales Spider-Man was fucking astonishing, and I loved that female Gambit to pieces. More Miles, America! Bring it on! And oh my God, the Red Hood with silver eyes. YES.
$2,000 for a bowl of potato fucking salad. Meanwhile the campaign for my novel series has barely reached $1.5k in the several months it's been running. This almost makes me want to throw up.