S. A. Hunt

This is a bad take

it’s a case of the parent modeling respect and patience for another person who is in the middle of something that is important to them—and that’s always a good lesson.”

Can you explain a bit further on the blockers thing? I can’t speak for anyone but myself, but I would give anything to have been able to take blockers before entering puberty. Puberty is what leads to a need for looooooong hours of electrolysis, careful vocal training, and a host of other things that are simply

I mean, I think authors should be paid for their books, don’t you?

Or, here's an idea, the Internet Archive was wrong and actively taking money away from authors by pirating their books.

Yup. Fuck them for trying to make money so that they can pay their editors, copy editors, graphic artists, publicists, sales people, marketing people, and the authors who write the actual fucking books.

And it’s shot like a horror movie of the time. The library scene is like horror lighting 101. So it had horror movie production qaulity. That worked so well.

Concentration camps imply that Americans are putting all Latinos in camps, not just the ones who are ILLEGALLY entering the country

“I’m just doing my job.” Now, where have we heard that before?

Things we need government oversight on: People commenting on the internet.

Things we don’t need government oversight on: People purchasing guns specifically designed to kill as many people as possible as quickly as possible.

Fucking way to fucking go.

So you are pro-cameras-in-public-restrooms or am I missing your point?

Yeah that’s either going to end up a very offensive statement or a very bad Joker. The Joker isn’t mentally ill in the real world sense. Trying to ground him in real mental illness isn’t going to work.

The 70’s was the time when computer control system started to become integrated large scale into airliners and unfortunately there were initially quite a few errors in the technology that were revealed with the DC-10 being the most notorious example. 

She better watch herself. There is a certain Disney trash panda who wants that leg she has.

*Starts screaming and never stops*

Hi have you considered getting fucked?

He died as he lived— causing unnecessary flight delays.

It’s pretty obvious what happened.  There was no bear.  It was Bigfoot.

I completely understand wanting a 1911 for your collection; I suck at shooting anything over 9mm but a .45 1911 is just such an iconic gun that it would be fun to own and shoot one.

“I know my work helped many, many people because they’ve told me so,”