S. A. Hunt

No Man's Fable?

I just love being demonized for something I had nothing to do with.

Found one on the tip of my penis after work, standing in the restroom of a Logan's Roadhouse. I came this close > < to asking the next patron to walk in to help me get it off. Not my shining moment.

Or I could just leave without reading and not come back, sort of like what I do when a video ad covers up the content on a Gawker blog article.

Why is your dad running your life?

Well honestly you and justfairydust got "Judge" because most people—Rasmussen included, probably—don't consider "writer" a legitimate occupation. Which means as a writer, I'll probably get "Judge" too. Maybe one day I'll take a summer off and preside over that vehicular homicide trial I've had in my head the last ten

Dude looks like Ron Perlman, who undoubtedly would be incredible in this costume, or the role, really.

He looks like he's about to sneeze.

As a veteran, I'm glad you were here to say this.

People do this when they're lumped in with a derogatory description of a group because they don't appreciate being lumped in with that derogatory description of a group. Just like anybody doesn't appreciate being gathered up into a derogatory stereotype. Imagine that.

Thanks for the dickish, prejudiced article. I'm going to go back to enjoying my FiveFingers because they're comfortable and I like them, and they help my spinal rupture not hurt so much, not because of some fitness fad or Chris McDougall. Fuck Chris McDougall and fuck people who think they look funny. I'm not here to

Now I guess I know why I lost both my marriages to cheating.

Is there a plugin that makes Firefox quit crashing every half an hour and being such a hellacious memory bloat?

Frozen yogurt places have these. I've been seeing them for a while. I've had strawberry pearls and mango pearls.

God help, maybe we'll get another Chrono game instead of Final Fantasy XIIIVIXXXIIIIXXIIV

And if someone snuck up behind him like this video, but shanked him in the kidneys, he'd be a dead cop. Your point?


Affordable mental healthcare, goddammit. Why is no one pushing this? There's obviously something seriously mentally wrong with this individual.

Or, instead of bringing something you don't like and cooking it with burning toilet paper, bring something you do like and eat it like a normal human being! Ta-da!