
I feel like I keep repeating myself, but I just wanna explain myself to everyone who comments that.

Haha, so true.

Talking about the market loss from people who think they don't need a photographer because they can now take 'amazing images' with their 'HD camera phone'


Good quote. Still, it loses a bit of a market for photographers; when point and shoots came out it didnt affect much; it was low quality and low megapixel for a low price. So people figured "hey this camera sucks ill hire a photographer"

Very true.

Yup :P

I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt and say it was half-joke half-serious;

I'm more talking about the terrible people who will think that they don't need to have a fancy photographer come in now that they have an 'amazing camera phone'

Motivational! :D

Haha, true.

True. The more I think about it, the more relieved I get.



Everyone who played Battlefield 3 knew about CROWS too.

What if I instagram the sign on my computer screen?

A hero and a role model to me in my careers.

Nothing else happens in Ohio strangely. It's kinda crazy.

The best part is, The Daily Show is ranked as the #1 news program most the time.

I always have the news channel(Always MSNBC.) on if I happen to be around a television. Just for white noise; I end up seeing a lotta stuff. I also happen to have twitter built into my Rockmelt browser, so I end up getting notifications pop up about the news going on, since I follow at least 50 news stations.