Makes me think more of the angry, inflatable twin brother of Gumby.
Makes me think more of the angry, inflatable twin brother of Gumby.
A part of me so much wanted to dislike this guy and everything he represents but then he pulls this...
Also don't forget the much superior glass, there's a reason a pro Canon L or equivalent glass weights as much as 20 iPhones.
Dumb title is dumb. DSLRs aren't going anywhere.
Yeah, remember that time Obama deregulated the financial sector between 2000 and 2008?
Totally worse than 2 wars and a global financial crisis. Worst president ever.
I doubt they had anything to do with it. Being able to sabotage a website requires an inherent understanding of technology; they still think the Internet is a series of tubes.
I think it says a lot about a Presidency that the worst thing you can say is that a website doesn't work.
Yeah, there is a reason that optical engineers don't combine big arrays of lenses together, but instead design a single lens that has the same properties as whatever matrix of lenses it might be equivalent to. Glass isn't perfectly transparent; going through extra glass degrades the image (even assuming the lenses…
Um, hello! Send up the X-37B, grab their little shitty satellite, put it in the bay, and bring it down so we can study it. Boom. I just figured out what the X-37B does.
Actually, no. Most of the time it really is because of spending cuts, which tend to be an item on the republican agenda. They would say that they aren't going to do it because a private company could take care of it.
Obviously this was caused by rich people paying too much in taxes. All we have to do is give them a huge tax break and they'll start fixing bridges out of the goodness of their own hearts... They actually REALLY want to get out and start working on them now, but the crippling taxes they're paying means it's either…
No, it's the old iPhone 5 in a plastic body. That's like putting the current S4 in a paper case, and calling it the S4 SE.
Apple fans last week: The plastic S4 is so unworthy of touching my highly refined skin. Cast it aside with the rest and bring me another latte.
For me it's all about size. I love my GX1 but I'll agree, it's not much more than my lazy day camera.
Come oooooon D800!! Alternatively, come oooooon D400!!!!!!!!!!!!