AuroraFirestorm (Alcoraiden)

Credit scores are so dumb.

I use delivery services that haven’t changed their prices much at all. I basically skipped inflation by being willing to eat the same things monthly. My house gets one produce box and one meat box, and that’s our month of grocery shopping.

Probably fucks your credit score somehow, so you can’t actually do loans in the future?

Yep, they’re trying to look like they don’t serve mediocre bullshit food by “specializing” in the thing. Like how Chili’s or Applebee’s or something will spin off a “just wings” place, so you think it’s a local wings joint.

My favorite restaurant’s service went to hell after Covid happened, because there was no way to keep people paid. Now they have one waiter who mostly fucks around in the back and doesn’t refill your water, so you’re sitting there with your mouth feeling like the Sahara and unable to even flag someone down to get more

I’ve never seen a chain company that makes truly spicy food.

They don’t do the peanut shell thing in the location near me anymore. Not sure why.

I actually don’t mind Outback. They have good steak and sweet potatoes, which is all I care about lol

I adore chicken pot pie, but it has to have the pie shell all around, not just some puff pastry on top.

Any major product that is not a foreign product that claims to be spicy in America is bullshit.

Sigh. Go read KaySeaa’s comment below. I figured I wouldn’t drop spoilers.

Ningguang is the richest woman in the world. Dori is the most successful merchant. Jean runs the Knights. Nahida is a god of all knowledge. What do you want?

If I got a last meal, I would just ask for an entire chocolate cake. I’d go full Matilda. I’d also demand to be executed before I threw up.

I’m hoping we don’t get a scorching heatwave that kills all my vegetables again this summer. We were doing excellently until that happened. Augh.

Parents don’t teach their children shit academically. They basically teach them how to talk and count and then throw them in school for 8+ hours a day.

Sadly, this is going to happen. Ticks and fire ants are moving north.

Ah yes, the 3-4 weeks of spring before an April frost kills all the flowers, and then we go straight into summer greenery with no pretty colors. :(

I thought you were joking and then I read that link.

Hot take, Girl Scout cookies aren’t very good, especially if you aren’t part of Thin Mints cult. (hotter take: york peppermint patties are 100x better than thin mints)

Florida is destroying its educational system and run by Ron DeSantis. Shithole.