AuroraFirestorm (Alcoraiden)

The “right” hates human rights and wants to kill women. Bashing the left makes you a monster.

You can't do much proactive about big societal problems. We need to vote people in who will help others. "You're all alone, nobody will ever help you" is what makes people jump off cliffs.

America's lack of public transport is.

Any post claiming that the boomers are the last competent generation gets the side eye from me.

IME emotions are pretty important to listen to. If I’m feeling down or nervous that day, I will always suck at my workout. I just have trash form if I’m not “with it” that day. If I’m afraid to do the exercise, it generally means my body isn’t cooperating.

Disbelieve. Modern cars have auto-lights.

Flashing behind you in the left lane means “get the fuck over, slowpoke, this is a passing lane.”

“Here is the tea: When it comes to sex, the wetter the better,” Engle says.”

If you have a bit of spare money, I think the best way to Gordian Knot this is to go full nuclear on it with a cleaning/organizing company once. Fully undo the chaos. It’s easier to maintain cleanliness than fix clutter. I have a cleaning service once a month, and it saves my bacon.

I do not for an instant believe sir/ma’am is racist. Very gender-binary? Yes. Stuffy-sounding? Sure. Racist? C’mon.

Whereas the first time I got called “ma’am,” I was like “wait, people don’t perceive me as a child anymore? YESSS.”

I’m so glad we have Market Basket here.

Canned tuna does kick ass.

Toxic dust? Why is the Great Salt Lake going to kill kids...?

Aren’t all kids okay with make-believe and roleplay? This is like...part of how kids develop in general. Pretend play is a big deal for social and mental development.

I agree wholeheartedly with your assessment of lettuce. Get that slice of lettuce out of there. Lettuce does not belong on a sandwich. ;)

Fish around here is maddeningly expensive. I almost never buy it for this reason.

I will not stand for this grits slander XD

These guys are so damn close to being everything they want out of a cereal, but then they use fucking stevia.

Why do you let your parents into your bedroom?