AuroraFirestorm (Alcoraiden)

Cat lips is a color? XD

Insane repair and maintenance? My Volt has required about 4k total maintenance costs over 7 years. Almost all of that was due to tires and the bullshit amount of potholes in Boston. I have never had an electrical repair required. I’ve got 126k miles on it.

It doesn’t even make sense to force a faster lane to yield to a slower lane. It should be the other way around. If you’re noodling around in the right lane, people need to be able to pass freely.

Uninsured. I bet he doesn’t have any money to pay this stuff with at all. What do you do if you’re just trying to get blood from a stone, legally?

Holy cow no. That white car smacked its nose right into the truck. The truck was going at a consistent speed, and that SUV should’ve seen him coming a mile away through the side view mirror. Not only that, he braked into the lane he was changing to — braked in front of a freakin big rig. You don’t just brake-check a

Yeah his place in Boston closed.

People don’t trust machines. Logically, to move fully to self-driving cars, they only need to be better on average than the average human driver. However, we are going to demand perfection, and that’s bullshit.

I can hit 10mph on a good day. Takes forever.

Wear actual shoes with socks to the airport. No one wants to see your bare feet flapping along what has got to be the dirtiest floor on God’s green Earth not found in a New York subway station. This how you get flesh eating bacteria, people!”

Oh my gosh I got a response. Holy shit.

Is this surprising? Because of course if you’re broke, you can’t afford a house than can hold up to disasters.

You haven’t been shadowbanned; you’re just not attractive.

Ah absolutely. But the thing is, when you have the chance to choose between only the most attractive people who seem otherwise nice to date...well, wouldn’t you? I wouldn’t voluntarily go for “meh” over “hot” if they were otherwise equal.

Shadowbanning is a phenomenon where a tech platform hides your account from others or limits its reach without letting you know.”

What a son of a bitch.

wow the pollution.

How sure were you that you were going to die right then and there? Beaned by a train? Like a pancake?

As someone who has had a total deflation on the road, how did he not notice? “Acting up”? Hell no, you can tell.

An Uber driver I had literally backed up an off-ramp when he realized he’d taken a wrong turn. Backed up. Onto the highway. In reverse. Toward oncoming traffic.

I’ll get another Nintendo handheld when it doesn’t hurt my wrists to hold the sides.