Gideon Rose, one of the guests, had a suggestion: Instead of demanding women enforce boundaries each and every time, “Why can’t men just say, ‘I’m not going to be the creepy guy anymore.’” (comment starts around 43 minutes into the show)
Gideon Rose, one of the guests, had a suggestion: Instead of demanding women enforce boundaries each and every time, “Why can’t men just say, ‘I’m not going to be the creepy guy anymore.’” (comment starts around 43 minutes into the show)
First of all, I’m so sorry for whatever trauma you experienced. If you’re anything like me, the Trump era has been a fucking nightmare because of that and I’m sorry you have to go through it. As to your comment, it is true that these Biden issues are different than sexual assault, but in my mind they fit perfectly…
No one gives himself away more than the rape/non-consensual touching defender. NO ONE.
Not-liberal (socialist, thankyou) man here, and we’re all for personal boundaries and consent here. Fuck old man Biden, and fuck old man Maher too.
Yep. Nothing gets Maher more worked up than the idea that someone (him) could lose his career because women start speaking up about their experiences with him.
At least here in Philadelphia, the IBEW is a very loyal and dependable Democratic voting bloc.
To me the Electrical Workers tweet really illustrates how frantic and nutty he’s become, his mind jumping all over the place in an increasing panic. The scuttlebutt is that Biden was on TV at that time and said something about electricians. Donald’s reflex was to immediately fire back, yelling at the TV through a…
How has no one else mentioned the movie theater/stadium style Nacho station in her kitchen? I’m convinced this is a show house that Jojo uses for filming purposes only, because there’s no way her whole family lives there. Her bedroom is insane, but it’s the kitchen and entry way that sealed it for me. A single crazy…
I don’t know...this just creeps me out. It’s like Ariana Grande running around dressed like an 8 year old. It’s weird. No 15 year old runs around dressed like this or decorates a room/house like this(even if it’s your product!) unless there are serious developmental issues or cheerleading camp. Surely this is a fake…
The only thing I can think of is:
I’m so happy to have female bosses (except one, but I rarely report to him) all the way up. Not to say that woman can’t be terrible, but in my workplace it has had a noticeable and drastic impact on decreasing harassment, bullying, and inappropriate behaviour. It also means, when a male superior (not in my direct…
And what I’ve learned over the years is that comments like the ones Hill reported are designed not to get you to sleep with them but to put you off your game. You come in confident, you’re thrilled to get the clerkship or the job, and you’re competition. It’s hazing; that helps them confuse you, knock you off your…
Go Lucy Flores! The article cuts Biden’s statement short, which I wish it hadn’t, just so we get the full story. It sounds like he was definitely creepy (not defending that at all), but the full statement is at least some attempt to be supportive of a victim sharing their story (so yay?)
Best reminder of how young Anita Hill was when she went through that. I’m old now but remember how she was treated, remember the Clarence Thomas “this is a lynching!” combativeness (cut to 2018 Kavanaugh - same strategy their PR coaches teach them), and the tut-tutting from all the boys in the boys club.
If I could zip my dresses up in the front and turn them around, I’d do that too.
I work in the boob / bra business, and a coworker makes a joke about whether you’re a hooker (red) or a swinger (blue). I’m team blue / swinger. I’ve tried the red method, but find it incredibly difficult and get cramps trying to get the hooks into the right set of eyes. It’s why I only wore front close bras for…
I am 43 years old, so I have had my boobs longer, and I firmly believe you a so fucking wrong about this. Hook it in the front! I will gladly die on this hill.