
The LL quote made me think of that old loop song, “there’s a hole in the bucket, dear Liza, dear Liza...”

I regularly sleep with two dogs and they definitely get better sleep than I do. I still love having them. If I had the space and money for a California King I’d consider having even more dogs to pin the quilt over me and ruin my sleep.

Yeah, isn’t the kind of dude who’s made previous threats, is a domestic abuser and gave his daughter an ickily WW2-themed name usually on a watchlist of some kind?

Your life is none of my business, but I just wanted to say, I’m actually 33, and when I was 30, I was in exactly the same state you’re describing*. It was a winding road but I’m now happier, healthier, financially stable and last year I bought a house. Western culture is psychotically obsessed with all the things

“she’s 30 and she’s not in a marriage and she’s not having a baby”

I remember my childhood dentist having a big poster of a gorilla in the waiting room, with the caption "try telling him fruits and vegetables are for sissies!". Even as a six year old I was like, huh, good point.

If he really wants to represent the concerns of Dads, he should look into why the ads on TV are so much louder than the shows. Every Dad I know is mad about that.

Don’t they say celebrities stop maturing at the age they hit super fame? Bieber was what, 14? If anything this proves that theory. The slushy machines next to the wine racks is *chef's kiss* perfection.

“Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure nineteen and six, result happiness. Annual income twenty pounds, annual expenditure twenty pounds ought and six, result misery.”

Reminds me of a line in The English Patient, "a woman should never learn how to sew, and if she does, she should never let anyone find out about it". 

I read a fantastic Twitter thread only they other day by Nicole Bedera, who has been researching the phenomenon of rape accusations ‘ruining’ men’s lives. Spoiler: they don’t. Her research centres on uni students, but it’s still a fascinating insight into how deeply our culture is not only desperate to protect men

Rich people really do live on a completely different fucking planet, huh.

In the immortal words of Alec Baldwin's wife, "nobody feels sorry for Alec Baldwin".

That’s been going on for ages and always creeps me out. Hope none of them are life changing because I can’t bring myself to read any “The X’s Wife/Daughter” books.

“the “bi” in bisexual implies that they are really only into folks in the binary”

It must be confusing for Kylie. She’s only in her early twenties and for her entire life, she and everyone she knows have made a career out of ostentatious over-consumption. And now people are mad at her about it? She literally has no other skills or training beyond being a professional performative rich person/Barbie

That "great and unmatched wisdom" bit was so cooked, even for him, that I asked my colleague if it was real when she read it out. Dude is fucking losing it.

I mean, that’s the risk you take when you defend someone accused of being a career con artist? She’s just doing what it says on the tin, lads.

This makes so much sense. If you found out one of your friends was a vicious sex trafficker and rapist, of course your first thought would be, ‘damn, better let him down easy’. It’s so plausible and makes Prince Andrew look completely in touch with reality and the concept of consequences.

Paying a con artist to tell you to do your job is pretty dumb, but she's right that they nailed Princess Margaret. If HBC's acting/seance piques your interest, I highly recommend the book Ma'am Darling, which is really just a heap of gossipy stories about PM. You swing from feeling terrible for how badly she was