
This is by the by, but has anyone told them that they can paint their robots any colour they want?

Sounds like we missed a good opportunity for a mass beheading.

Regular people don't check, but gossip sites check and report on it.

That is certainly part of it.

You can drop out any time you like, but you can never leave.

I was all set to write a reply about how mad I am but honestly this is too stupid. Like, sociopathic and repulsive, but also just so, so stupid. Only someone really stupid would think they were smart for coming up with this. The fact that someone this stupid has also committed heinous crimes and gotten away with them

He meant that hashtag to be so cool and it just reads like the internet version of the kid in class who yells “Owwww!” when you brush past them in hopes of getting you in trouble. He sounds whiney, is what I’m saying.

“it might become a trend that the show doesn’t actually end in the same kind of formulaic romance as it has in the past”

There is a very schmancy house for sale in the hills near my home town that I’ve browsed on real estate websites. Everything about it is gorgeous but for some reason the office/library has WALLPAPER that looks like book lined shelves. But no actual books. It is so tacky. So. Tacky.

Maybe she’s one of those people who’s just always cold? That said, it is the middle of winter where I live and I could probably wear her outfit comfortably. What does she do in an NYC winter?

It should definitely be harder to get married than it is to get divorced. 

It looks like they bought the most expensive version of everything at Ikea and then ran it through a Pinterest board. You could die of very comfortable boredom in that house.

That’s how it read to me.

My dad was an introvert like your mum but with the opposite problem. People would come up to him and start full-on, sometimes personal conversations. Dad would go along with it and they’d chatter away for a few minutes. Then when the person walked away and I asked who they were, dad would always say “I have no idea.

Exactly this. I’m old enough to remember catching buses and generally being in the world pre-mobile phones. Book, walkman, whatever it took to get people to leave me the hell alone. Did people who brag about not using mobiles also used to brag about how they never read books?

With respect, I’m not criticising them for having insecurities. I’m criticising them for identifying those specific insecurities, knowing that they’re painful and unfair, and choosing to profit from them anyway. You’re absolutely right that both Beyonce and Gwyneth have effectively unlimited resources but also

Not to mention, this is a diet specifically designed to get her performance-ready within a very tight time period. You can suffer through all the coconut bacon you want (because literally no one is enjoying whatever that is), but if you’re not doing several hours of dance rehearsal and PT sessions daily, you’re not

He’s a disgusting person who makes disgusting films. Anyone who thinks he isn’t beating it to those revolting scenes of violence he’s so proud of is deluded. So many dudes (yes, always dudes) have tried to convince me he’s brilliant and to watch his films. I’ve never finished one. He needed therapy about thirty years

I think it's legitimate to complain about any kind of animal shit inside the house.

Honestly, I haven't even seen it and I know this is true because Beyonce. Can't. Act.