Same. Sometimes I’ll let an article marinate for a bit and get a solid number of comments before I go back and read it.
Same. Sometimes I’ll let an article marinate for a bit and get a solid number of comments before I go back and read it.
You don't have to like the cats, you just have to respect their personal space.
Dude. Go to Paris.
I have never watched a Jez video. I only come back to Jez for the comments. The articles are pretty uneven.
Same. I went from nothing to a DD in what felt like a week at age 12. Now I’m a G cup and frankly big tits are some bullshit. If I wasn’t terrified of surgery, I’d get a reduction.
I used to work at a little shop in Soho, London. It was super fun because my boss let us drink before knockoff and because occasionally famous people would come in (Soho is full of production companies and really close to the theatre district). Generally, they made it pretty clear that they just wanted to go about…
I think it’s a dramatic role, with some humour because the story is too crazy not to have it. I know she can do comedy, but I feel like there’s a film industry pro out there somewhere who’s already plotting McKinnon’s future Oscar win. This feels like the first step towards that.
The corgis are the BEST PART
Yes, I realise that. That's why I find it so sad.
I’m sure this girl is awful in a lot of ways, and I’m definitely not going to watch any of her stuff, but saying that you “bring nothing to the table” and are useless to for work is really sad. 21 is awfully young to essentially just give up on yourself.
This really needs to be hammered into people's brains. When it comes to this stuff, if you're not paying, you're being sold.
I would bet money that some of those women, at least, have never had an abortion and are lying through their sanctimonious teeth.
He’s senile, guys. This tracks.
Well, if Barry Gordy said it was okay...
My period is super regular, low maintenance and brief (3 days, tops). I still track it, though, so I know roughly when the next one is coming and if my body being weird could be explained by an upcoming period. I just use my phone calendar and tag it with an unrelated word, though.
That’s an excellent point. I freakin love sleeping alone (dog and cat notwithstanding), but it’s a huge privilege. A whole bed to yourself, let alone an entire room, is something that a lot of people in history just wouldn’t have had the opportunity to experience.
My mate used to date a guy who didn’t smile in photos. I think he thought scowling was cooler or more masculine (??) but I thought it was creepy as hell. He turned out to be batshit, so I feel completely vindicated in not trusting people who won’t smile for photos.
All the non-famous rich people caught up in this must be fucking stoked that a couple of celebrities had stupid children too.
Don’t worry, they'll tell you.
How is it that high??? That's terrifying.