
affect is emotion.

title card screen fail. unwatchable. going off to watch “cats vs christmas trees.”

William is Lucifer. He is Prometheus. He wanted to level the field, give the Hosts (Man) more even odds with the gods. And they painted him all black for it, those gods. Ford, the Demiurgos, was happy to take the long route. He was infinitely patient with the Hosts/Mankind’s suffering as a path to consciousness.

the human engineering aspect is the easiest part. once you know how people think and what their motives are you can easily manipulate most people, especially with the Ricky-and-Lucy trick: make them think it is their idea and not yours. Also, if you let the other guy feel as if he’s getting away with something, like

fucking jets. brute force. i mean, there is not a quantum of elegance about those things. it is just a hammer in the air, a chemical fucking hammer like all fucking “AAAAAAGGGHHHHBBBBBRBRBRBRBR...BLAM BLAM BLAM” beating the shit out of the laws of physics....and with guns.


To overcome oppression you have to transcend it, not merely take your turn swinging the whip.

No. No. No. This is not noble or important. Hate, Ignorance, and Fear elected a sociopathic narcissist while Smugness, Superiority, and Sloth looked on. That.Is.All. 1938. ‘Nuf said.

Sometimes, not often, but sometimes, deep down, where it’s dark and wet, I sort of miss active duty. A little. Not much, but a little. I mean, it was exhausting, boring, and sometimes frightening as hell. But we did amazing, impossible, ridiculously dangerous shit virtually all of the time. Now I sit in a cube. I go

But president KrustyTheClown is going to put a 35% tax on them.....

Hey. That’s my car.

More fun. 1/10 the price. Makes as much sense.

No. Don’t do that.

Why do we like riding motorcycles?

I miss Sean and actual motorcycle stuff.

The problem here is not boats. It’s fucking selfie sticks. FUCK cellphones and GoPro’s.

the scenery isn’t broken