
“Big man, pig man, ha ha, charade you are...”

capitalism FTW! long-time employees fired at 19 years. pension liabilities avoided! quarterly bonus.

when women are soldiers, who will be a mother? there is no equality. that is a myth. nothing is equal. everything is only what it is, and is not another thing.

didn’t the driver flip-off the rider as he tried to give the wallet back? i ride, and this shit happens all the time. people look right the fuck at you...and then pull out in front of you. and every single one of us KNOWS the herpes scab on the face of humanity that is cellphones, especially when combined with

the stated dollar value is for insurance purposes. eventually, some bank is gonna pay for this. cannot feel sorry for them.

I approve this New Yorker. Anyone who owns a bucket of gold is probably not a friend of humanity. Fun.

Now playing

Yumm, mechanically-separated-meat products. Get the kids in the car!

fuck. just.....fuck. <hangs head>


roid-rager rages. on roids. go figure.

This is WAY more fun than Clinton would have been. It just is.

I read it as “abusive tentacles”.

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“Instant karma’s gonna get you. Gonna knock you right in the head.”

Buggy whips. Die - dinosaurs. Die. uFcking dealers.

Zackly. Until the battery paradigm changes, and I do not mean improvement to Li0n batteries but a whole ‘nother kind of thing altogether, the problem of diminishing capacity will always be around. Maybe they can get us to “good enough”, which is likely, but the price will have to follow the performance, which it

I have been driving an electric car for the last 5 years.

i like how He-Man says “I became the most powerful man in the universe” and then punches you in the face just because he can. so - perfect then. lolthx.

rust in every joint.

god damn this trump motherfucker is fun already. this is WAY more interesting than having a competent president.