
we all are, deary. we all are.


Now playing

It is true that mostly the Masters of the Universe are white dudes.

I’m sure no one remembers having their dad beat the shit out of them with a piece of HotWheels track when they were a kid. The marks it leaves on your back and arms, on the backs of your legs, those crazy parallel purple welts....... trying to hide them at school so no one asks...And the sound of that piece of orange

maybe. maybe not.

needs moar redbull.

concept fail. logistics. WWIII will totally bypass the “ignorant savages” of the world. they won’t even notice it. you have to go native.

“news” does not occur. people live, act, and move, then other people write shit about it. “news” is made up stuff for those of us who work in cubicles so we don’t feel so fucking isolated and worthless all the time. “We do not see the world as it is, but as we are.”

I assure you that these frightened, angry people do not give even a tiny shit about someone being “white” in that they will murder your ass, white or not, if you deviate from their opinion of what it means to be like them. The hate-fear meme is simply the crowbar inserted between the layers of the body politic to

any legal requirement has to have a meaningful “or else...” or else it is meaningless. you can’t call the cops on a company. but you should be able to. why is it that only the little people have an entire government apparatus aimed at them, the cops, but the big people who actually do all the real harm do not? oh

Dad to teenager: You better be home by midnight.

You ordered this Shit Sandwich. Now you have to eat it. PSYOP. Enjoy The Fall.

never settle for the Lesser Evil!

failing lugenpresse. *shuts sunroof on Bubble*

Eazy-E: See, the truth is, they can do whatever they want with them. They bought them motherfuckers.

May The Schwanz be with you.

Rome burns. #noDAPL

He cuts through the noise of people telling us what to think by...telling us what to think? God, if only we had gotten Camacho instead.

no. its because it makes it harder to cheat emissions testing with a manual transmission.