
nada. we are in a post-reality world now. re-read your Carlos Castaneda and Robert Anton Wilson. grab a doob and go for a walk in the woods. listen to your cat sleeping. look for hummingbirds. kiss your mother. bake some cookies. everything is alright as far as your arms can reach. anything that comes to you on a

One time I went about 150-over on a 2001 Honda CBR1100XX with a small sprocket. I say “about” because at 200-ish mph the wind tries to rip you from the bike and the instruments are a dancing blur so it was hard to be precise about top speed. Just the sound of passing through the heavy, liquid air at that speed was

I love that women love motorcycles. I think we all do.

that kind of thing will never fly.

No one needs the Russkies to destabilize the US government. It is doing it to itself. Aquarius descends with a vengeance, riding a pale horse.

PUPPIES! Thank god it’s not more tRump.

cat-life is hard on an airframe, and a cat-capable airframe is twice as expensive and has a shorter service life. jets with dudes in them are really of declining utility these days. mostly they are a profit stream for Lockheed et al and not less useful than are other vehicles in real, modern warfare.

We have maglev cats now. Finnicky. Expensive. Expensive. Fucking expensive. And finnicky.

Two US carriers currently parked in Bremerton, Washington. Not shooting jets. No one is worried.

Waddya bet Peterhansel was texting?

Any motorcycle that isn’t THIS:

Some of my best friends are white.

I drive an electric car. it is pretty damn quick. it has a single electric motor driving the front wheels. if they put a second motor in the rear and made the car AWD that fucker would tear up some tires. i mean seriously - electric torque is insane. the tech is there. they only need to do it. come on Nissan - NISMO

or that a tuna sandwich is a sandwich

Doesn’t my original post show “North America” in bright red? What was your original bitch?

...because “education” in public school is about normalization, not liberation. it is about making a well-behaved, standardized product; widgets.

‘the fuck continent is it on then?