
like letting the nuclear scientists who study nuclear shit make the decisions about Chernobyl and Fukushima, and the crop scientists at Archer Daniels make decisions about GMO corn and wheat, and the chemical scientists at Monsanto make decisions about putting glyphosate everywhere, and the money scientists at Goldman

no. ufck utrmp everywhere, everywhen.

un-plug, bitches. it’s the only way. go native. walk. ride a bicycle. use cash. put-the-cellphone-down!

didn’t the driver flip-off the rider as he tried to give the wallet back? i ride, and this shit happens all the time. people look right the fuck at you...and then pull out in front of you. and every single one of us KNOWS the herpes scab on the face of humanity that is cellphones, especially when combined with

the stated dollar value is for insurance purposes. eventually, some bank is gonna pay for this. cannot feel sorry for them.

I approve this New Yorker. Anyone who owns a bucket of gold is probably not a friend of humanity. Fun.

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Yumm, mechanically-separated-meat products. Get the kids in the car!

fuck. just.....fuck. <hangs head>


roid-rager rages. on roids. go figure.

How the fuck did Gawker die right before we got Trump?!?! The universe is cruel. sigh.

OMMFG. Paperclip! Ultra! Britney Spears! AAAaaahhhhhh.......

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fear leads to anger. anger leads to hate. hate leads to the dark side. there really is nothing to fear. have another beer and calm. shhh. it’s alright. it’s alright.

Bullshit headline. “Cloning” is absolutely, unequivocally the normal, every-day method of working with cannabis plants. It is not even worth mentioning except “Blah Blah Blah Hunter Thompson blah blah blah”. What else you gonna do with a dead brand but a little “Weekend at Bernies” with it?

I put myself on the “Notify” list for the Mavic a couple weeks ago. have not heard a peep from them. I have no good reason to own one except to enjoy some of the fruits of the 21st century/annoy my neighbors. That, and motorcycle season is too damn short in Seattle. I normally avoid Gen 1 products, but that Mavic

if high speed degrades video quality the operator can choose to slow down to improve image quality. and so, really, there is no good reason for the company to do anything at all and so one has to wonder about the entire affair.