
G  R  O  S  S  .

Why would you do that anyway?  For God’s sake, have some self-control!!!!!!

Hold the bitters and put in two maraschino cherries and I’ll be happy. Please don’t shake the Manhattan—STIR before pouring.

Where in Chrome can you see an actual list of your extensions so that you can delete them?

I went to high school with a guy whose nickname was “Fu” (Foo). His real name was Matt. He was also tall and quite heavy in appearance. One day in the cafeteria, he came and sat down at my table. I greeted him with “Hi Fat!” Talk about a Freudian slip!!!

I already done did it!

Ho hum... just another day in America.

This man looks freakin’ nuts!

Slow news day, huh?

Bring back Plymouth!

We should all just stop talking then I guess. Is there an app for this?

Slow news day?

I hope you dropped her as a friend. She sounds toxic.

That recipe sounds so gross. I’ve got a meatloaf recipe that’ll make what you cooked seem like dog food.

Reagan 😖👎😠

Yeah, bidets would go over really well in the Bible Belt!

How ‘bout Caitlyn Jenner as First Lady?

There is nothing sad about being single.

THAT was funny... to me at least.

What a party pooper.