
Are you sure you covered everything? ;-)

I recently got out of coding after ~20 years. I actually DID want to keep doing it, but the combination of mundane work (got increasing difficult to find jobs where you’re allowed to be creative/autonomous), shitty conditions (cubicle? I wish; most places put you at the end of a folding table... the END, if you’re

Learn to code? This ain’t the 1990. Coding went overseas decades ago and very few coders make more than middle, middle class wage, and then only then after several years of experience.

I’ve worked in the tech industry for more than 25 years. If you are a late-life candidate, you might want to pass on tech . Tech loves youth. I write job descriptions and interview people and several times a year. Consistently, our management chain ask specifically for 20-30 somethings and won’t consider anyone older.

Tim Cook can just plain go fuck himself with a sandpaper and diamond encrusted dildo with no lube.

I’ve done a lot of job searching over the last couple years and I will confirm that this is the case. I think the real issue is companies want 100% ready made perfect fits to save costs and do some sort of instant hit the ground at nearly full capability.

The Trust Fund Baby who never had a real job in her life is telling us to find a new job? That’s rich...

I want to preface this by saying that I do not care for Joe Biden as a presidential candidate. Unlikely I’ll vote for him in a primary, and I sincerely hope he does not win the Dem nomination. That said:

I’m starting to think that the internet is the worst thing that ever happened to humanity. The amount of unchecked propagation of fucking stupid people spreading their stupid ideas to other stupid people will be the downfall of humanity.

I feel smarter for reading this. And dumber because I’m the same species as these people who believe in DEWs and Chemtrails. Seriously you don’t think we would see an airplane shooting lasers above the forest of paradise in California....

Let’s not forget that also under the current administration we have had the parkland high school shooting and 600+ people shot at a country music concert in Las Vegas. Primarily white people too. Nothing done. 26 kids shot in Sandy Hook a few years ago? The reaction? Fake news conspiracy theories by gun nuts and no

Pretty sure Amazon is sending an AI robot to find you now.

there are times that i honestly think we live in such a great era we can afford the time to bitch about things. But with that said there some glaringly awful things about these days.

Hopefully, we can survive the stupidity of those that are in power long enough to find our better selves.

“Dude Wipes” are actually a thing?? i bet they are packaged and black and come scented in “mountain man” or “fresh off the construction site”.

Agreed, but we also have “Dude Wipes” now, so...I guess that’s progress? Anyway, the super committed “no homo” douchebags are the ones who aren’t even using toilet paper properly, so I’d just rather pretend that segment of the population doesn’t exist.