
Thanks for responding. I should’ve made it clear I would be happy to hear from anyone.
I definitely understand what you’re saying, and I guess there’s no specific answer - it is a delicate balancing act!
As you said, it would be nice if we lived in a world where this wouldn’t be a discussion, I hope we get there. 

I’d never heard of Remilia before I read this, I was drawn to it because it was so tragic - she was so young!

And I’d like to add to that, prepare for many of your white associates to become defensive and upset. It is very hard to face the truth of the fact that as white people enjoying our freedoms that have been set-up on the backs of blacks we are still complicit, whether we want to be or not.

Starred for the comment, and the username.

From one white person to another. I realize this is a benign question, but you have to be responsible for your own education, and figuring out what to do.
That’s what I’ve learned from this site.

I’m currently reading “The Color of Law,” by Richard Rothstein. While I’ve always known that there has been institutionalized racism, this book is incredibly eye-opening.
It shows how laws/regulations were created around housing, education, and ability to obtain decent jobs, to ensure that African Americans did not

I’d like to remain hopeful. There will always be some people who aren’t willing to adapt, but the more it is talked about and normalized, the more those people will have to adapt. Or at least stfu about it. 

As my washed up Dad used to say, “that’s about the size of it.”

I was trying to make a statement like this, but this is much more succinct than my ramblings.

Those portraits are stunning! Merry Christmas!

Had to look it up myself. We’re washed.

Right?! I’m so washed, I didn’t even know what washed was. 

He’s downright quixotic!

“Uptown Dance Academy.”  Not confused, just not fully awake. 

I’m confused. Were the girls there as members of the audience or as dancers? 

I’m not a rocket scientist or a lawyer, but thanks for the info.

Neither will I.

Good. But I wonder if taking the hate crime out of this case made it easier to come to this verdict.

I went to NMSU the year after they changed the name of the yearbook from “The Swastika.” (1984) Sure it was a native symbol, but they had the good sense to see it didn’t age well.

That is some bullshit.