
It was a rhetorical question. 

It was a rhetorical question. 

I’m not even going to copy & paste trolls to respond to them.

Some trolls are approved (looking at you bennyboy), and I can’t figure out how or why.

Why are you here? I would never respond to this if you were grey (and I’m puzzled why you’re not)

I have a feeling Jessica is not very smart. 

“Men are afraid of being rejected, women are afraid of being killed.”
Wish it weren’t true.

This is a mediocre “gotcha” piece. So I’m just going to ask you straight-up, why don’t you like Warren? Who do you think would do better (who is actually electable)?

I love fun-dip, but I don’t want to wear it.

I’m not even going to play that video. Her look alone is insufferable, I don’t think I could handle her words/voice.

She spent so much time perfecting that look. 

I agree, and you said it better than I. 

I’m not a fan of Bernie or Biden, but in this case Biden’s comment was much more insulting, in that he effectively managed to avoid answering the queston, by providing a cute little soundbite. IMO
That said, Bernie’s answer wasn’t great either. 

The group that awarded him was removed from the program due to her boycott. 

Do you have red hair?

You’re not wrong about Oregon, but there is this:

Is that your real last name? (It’s mine, and not very common!)

When this pig referred to himself as a peace officer as he wrangled her to the ground I thought my head would explode!


I can tend to the Quixotic, but I’m bi-polar, so there’s always the jaded side to me.