
You have to consider the choices you make too. Say you get an entry level job at a retailer like Staples. By showing initiative and being a good employee, you can easily be an assistant manager in 2-3 years. From there you could go to store mgr, district mgr, regional mgr, etc. Most people do not show the initiative.

They SHOULD make 300% or more than what you make. They make the decisions that guide and direct the company, and ultimately decide if you have a job or not.

At six foot two, I hope I have the same fate. So far I'm making all the right moves to get there.

The top 1% built this country. I'm in the lower middle class and I don't give two shits that the top one percent make as much as they do. Guess what, they ARE the people who employ you (for the most part). Guess what else, they definitely don't work 380 times as hard as you, but I'm sure they have 380 times the

With enough runs on the course, someone could do it at half the speed this guy is. Don't forget about the action-cam effect where everything looks smaller and slower (especially from the helmet angle) I could probably do the course without falling down, but doing it at that speed in pure balls and skill.

You have obviously never tried something like this.

Why did he take a video of a video? That's what is bugging me here!

1. You do not need a CWP to own a handgun in FL. You must be over the age of 21 though. If you plan to carry said gun concealed on your person, you need a CWP.

Teach me, oh great master of life, the arts and perfection.

You still think you're trolling cute? For being such a well learned, respectable, and pure person, shouldn't you be out saving the world or something? Come on! We need more people like you!

It's funny how you can't see that you're being trolled... unless, of course, you think you've been the one trolling... awkward.

Quit overreacting. The sniper is clearly shooting the cig that kid just put behind his ear! Smoking kills, people!

Cool story bro. You should write a book.

Learn to understand the power of words.

Quite a judgement to be made over the internet.

That hurts so bad over the internet. I think I might go commit suicide... you are a murderer.

I feel like I know that kid from somewhere... Looks like a total douche-tool though. If I were the police I would've beat him too.

My local Staples got 3 in. One demo, Two to sell; One 64, one, 128.

Funny how people read month-old stories. Unfortunately for your analogy, in the eyes of the law, theft is a greater offense than speeding.

Riding on clip-less peddles in skate shoes? Nads, bro. Nads.