
The fact is, it said it was operational in mid October. If at November 11th, it was not operational, then that statement was false. It doesn't matter how much time has passed since the November data of the audit. Use logic please.

Buncha shit in there is inaccurate.

I'd probably start voting Democrat. ;-)

I can definitely see/understand your view on this. This is how it was with my ex and her kid. The difference was that it was a basic "dumb" phone and was meant only for emergencies, not for chatting/texting friends at all hours of the day. It worked just fine and came in handy. IMHO getting a kid a smartphone is

You are missing the real point he was making. He said he isn't raising a child he is raising the adult they will become. Part of that is making decisions on what he will and wont give them. The individual thing isn't as important as nottrying only to make kids happy but actually raising and teaching them which

I think we need to make the delineation here between cell phones and smart phones. I think cell phones are great for kids who are old enough to need them - to call for rides and such.

Ahh Gizmodo, failing to grasp simple economics. You guys are all about your hardcore liberal bias, and the above post lends more credence to the Zogby survey results that found that liberals on average have a tougher time understanding simple economic concepts than do their conservative and libertarian counterparts.