
This IS Leslie we are talking about here. The Queen of knee-jerk reactions and the like.

'nuff said.

Why thank you, kind sir. I had it before Steve Jobs passes, but it is even more ironic now!

Aren't they?

USAA is the king of everything they do. I <3 them.

The internet is living! It has become a self-aware being! RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!

This has been around forever....

Name the countries you are speaking of. Also, society and culture play big into social issues like this. No two countries are the same, and there is no cover-all bandaid that solves all the world problems. We will obviously have more muggings in the US. Easy jail/prison systems and population is much higher than other

And your argument is the most retarded I have ever seen. If someone is about to break numerous laws, do you think they will be stopped by not being able to legally get a gun? Please think about that one for more than a second. And even in the event where there were no guns to be had, have you ever heard of bombs? They

Since when do criminals follow laws? Lets make meth, weed, cocaine, and heroin illegal... oh, wait... awkward....

Who took the picture? Sasha.

Of course Jesus would pass on the Buddha.

This post seems to have sparked some good, legitimate discussion. Some of which I agree with.

Your logic is flawed. Tours are often based on sales. If there are no sales, funding for tours in cut by the label.

A "New World Order", will be big Government, not business.

Your vagina is too small.

So because you can't afford something (no essential to living functions), it should be given to you free?

Ironically, Steve.Jobless possesses two jobs.

I absolutely agree with this statement. However, the vast majority of torrents on The PIRATE Bay are, in fact, illegally shared.

Well, there is always actually paying money for your media......... Never mind, I forgot I was talking to the internet.