
FaceTime has changed my life! My mom is in Boston and I'm in NYC, and since my dad passed away almost 4 years ago she's been depressed (she's got epic friends who take great care of her but she and my dad were happily married for 36 years). When I got pregnant with her grandson, I got her an iPad, and now we FaceTime

I just feel weird about this whole tournament because seriously I am always going to pick weed. Weed is always the winner, no?

"The amount of home births in America increased in 2012, as more and more women choose to take control over their deliveries." Um, I gave birth in a hospital and had control over all non-medical decisions, and I had input on those. I had an open dialogue with my doctor for months of prenatal care and then we talked

I mean someone actually fucking SAID THAT and possibly meant it! What the fuck is happening in the world that this behavior doesn't send you running for your journal or your best friend or a trusted medical professional to seek help? This isn't a fetish. This is gross. She wants to be objectified, almost

Did I miss something? Because I love chicken, but most of the time wedding entree chicken is absolutely mediocre, even at really good weddings. The real action is at cocktail hour. We had baby lamb chops and duck pastrami reubens, and when I'm sad, I remember those two apps and just smile.

My husband was invited on a golf trip over Valentine's Day. At the time I worked for a law firm. He was not convinced I was okay with him going until I presented him with a notarized letter from my attorney boss, validating my affidavit that I was fine with him going. It's not like it's the last bite of an ice

Can't wait to cheer for your son on TV one day! What a proud mama you are. My baby's only 17 months old so I enjoy finding moms to emulate. Thanks for being a good role model of how to beam with joy over your son! :)

My dad wore hearing aids his whole life and had ear surgeries as a child. He also played college football. I miss him a ton and this made me smile, that an accomplished athlete is such a sweet gentleman, to go above-and-beyond for those girls. Happy tears Jezebel! Thanks for the great story!

Perfectly put. Thank you.

I can appreciate and respect that receiving these notes would be horrible for some people, and I thank those who've shared their very personal feelings here. I am consistently amazed ("impressed" seems condescending but that too) by how open and honest everyone is here. It's incredible.

You're really impressive. I wish for your brand of patience and relating to others. Thanks for reminding us of the best way to diffuse a situation.

Congratulations to your sister! And great pic - thanks for sharing, so much joy is a treat to see!

Oops! I missed this and made my own note. Sorry.

Vice-Principal, not Vice-Principle - remember Mr. Belding is your PAL! ;)

"it's a weird, fucked-up version of reality in which they are performing"

Us too. I am just so sad to learn this. Our family has thought about him and wished him home to his family countless times. We live nearby and always hoped we'd just happen to see him and we would help. My heart breaks for his family.

I think I've defended the big wedding on Jezebel a million times. This article is about wedding insurance, not about big weddings. It's like a pre-nup for your party - it's ridiculous. I had a big wedding. I still have an awesome husband I know I want to marry, regardless of said party. I wouldn't purchase the

"When it comes to moms, forever wouldn't even be enough time." What a beautiful, loving sentiment!

When my dad was dealing with terminal cancer (he was diagnosed with lung cancer at stage IV, there were few options) one of our family friends said "People don't have expiration dates." Your mom may beat whatever statistics there are, and she may not - but she's still your mom! Talk to her like she's your mom and