
Actually that was just Coke Bee, Coke’s newest drink line.

I’m amazed that Norman Lear is still out there making waves on T.V. 

This is worse than when Lil’ Sebastian died. 

Coincidentally, the phrase he felt it move when he tugged” is found in over 90% of Cap Thor slashfic. At the risk of ruining the innuendo with a relevant Joss Whedon reference, the hammer is his penis.

“White Walkers HATE her! This one neat dagger trick will end the Long Night”

Oh my god, how have I never seen this? It is a masterpiece.

Now playing

We now bring you Patton’s testimony, live from next month -

I recently had an experience with a 19-year-old girl who was completely flummoxed when asked to open a can of soup because she had never used a can opener before.  People, stop doing fucking everything for your kids.

Well played, ma’am.

We’ve heard lots of stories about what a boys’ club SNL was (is).  A good example of that (but also a genuinely funny parody) was their parody talk show, “Women’s Problems,” during which Dan Aykroyd, Garrett Morris, John Belushi would talk about, “The problem with women is...” with no actresses involved.

Remember when they were advocating abstaining from the 2010 census and pointing guns at census workers because the census was going to be used by Obama to place white Christians into FEMA camps?

$100,000 bond and the potential to face 3 years in prison is way overblown

Well, it didn’t take long for his apologists to slither out into the light.





I’ve taught middle school first 11 years and let me tell you they are little weirdos. They like weird things and say weird things and do weird things. They other day a group of girls was dying of laughter in class because one said she was going to own a store called Taco Shop but they wouldn’t sell tacos. And

Giddy is the natural state of any group of 12 year old girls ever.