
I’m confused. Are you saying that males who oppose prostitution are trying to be the “good girl”?

Prostitution isn’t work. It’s oppression.

Thank you for writing this! I work with trafficking victims through a non-profit here in NYC. I am likewise appalled at Jezebel’s complete lack of support for the VAST majority of sex workers, who are, statistically speaking, poor women and teens of color who are coerced into sex by pimps and traffickers who control

would you be so kind and stick to the arguments presented? violence against women in prostitution is n occupational hazard. which is not for miners. in the mine, your orifices are not used by strangers for masturbation.

nope. these days, based on the usage, the term ‘sex worker’ is rather wide and broad and includes women in strip clubs, women doing webcamming, women in pornography, _as_ _well_ as pimps and traffickers.

the choice between prostitution and being homeless or going hungry is not a choice.

well, work does not presuppose being used as a masturbatory aid, does it. women, who survived and escaped prostitution, say this themselves. and I have no reasons to doubt their words.

Does your tirade also apply to males who oppose prostitution?


oh, the irony — to see this article written by the same author, who chastised Sweden for not adopting the law on sex without consent as rape earlier.

Jezebel’s repeated and total erasure of the voice of trafficking victims is disgraceful. The total ignorance displayed about the anti-sex trafficking organisations and survivors who supported and advocated for this legislation is embarrassing. The changes made in mark up are clearly beyond this site’s ability to

Every time I think someone worse can’t possibly exist i’m proven wrong.

Seriously. That’s just completely horrifying. There are people who do bad things, and bad people, and there are people who have terrible urges, and then there are bad people who enjoy their terrible urges. I don’t buy for a second that guy hasn’t abused a kid, but I’m glad he’s never gotten hold of his kid to hurt

Shoot. him. in. the. face. He’s a terrorist to kids, women and POC and he’s allowed on the loose. Nothing else we can do.

The creepiest part of that post, at least to me, is the assumption that most people want to have sex with their own kids or other children and that the laws are the only thing that’s stopping them. No. Noooooo. No. No. No. No.

I read the title of this story and said out loud “ ... Huh?” because I just couldn’t make my brain compute admitting being a pedophile. And then I read the story and my eyes bugged out. Why is he walking around talking to people? Lock him up!

He’s an actual monster. I don’t believe in the death penalty, but this guy needs to be locked away somewhere where he can’t come into contact with humans. Wonkette just did a story on him, too.

What in the literal fuck?

Does anyone else feel very emotional about this, even if they’re not Irish? Spent last night reading the #repealthe8th feed and crying. So happy that it looks like the right side won (for once).

Yes this is exactly my impression growing up in the Episcopal Church. I can’t handle anything loud or sudden in church lol. It’s almost meditative in its quietness and order for me. Or maybe that’s New England Episcopal lol. This guy isn’t like any episcopal priest I’ve ever heard. But he is like the highest ranking