
I have and you are incorrect. The muscle mass, muscle density, size, and bone density gained during male puberty doesn’t just go away once you start transitioning. Not to mention the fact that not everyone transitions at the same time during their lives. 

Yeah, it’s ridiculous to attack women for talking about their vaginas or sex organs. We’ve earned that right.

Well, my point is that the acronym TERF has been completely removed from the actual components, AKA trans-exclusive radical feminism. All those women in pussy hats at the Women’s March were not radical feminists. Mike Pence is not a radical feminist, or a feminist at all. Words have meanings! And when we use the word

My problem with the phrase “TERF” is that it has been applied so broadly and erroneously in the past few years that it has basically lost all meaning. When you call everyone who wore a pussy hat to their women’s march a TERF or dismiss anything focusing specifically on reproductive rights/menstruation/abortion TERF-y,

Not ours for sure.

Devil’s in the details. A Penis is a rather important detail.

Literally, a great way to filter out half the population and contribute to deeper polarization.

Exactly. This isn’t like 2001 and we can have a spirited but civil debate about tax policy or whatever.

Don’t forget the ones who stand in front of those rainbow angel wing murals for a photo lol

Dating nice people does not contribute to deeper polarization. Voting for racists, homophobes and nazis.. being racists and homophobes contribute to deeper polarization. Even prior to Tinder/dating apps, people are more likely to marry interracially, interreligiously than across party lines.

Putting no Trump supporters is shorthand for “no racists, no homophobes, no xenophones, no misogynists” etc.

I’d reason that San Francisco has gotten significantly less liberal, overall, as a direct result of the semi-recent tidal wave of whiteness and money, so it’s no longer such a safe bet.

This is the 3rd case like this in the past month in San Francisco area. JoggerJoe, the BBQ lady, and now PermitPatty. This has white liberal hypocrite written all over it.

How on earth does she not know to shut the fuck up by now unless she’s offering a wholehearted apology?

Why do people like this live in densely-populated cities? Patty here isn’t a San Francisco native, I’ll almost guarantee that. So why move somewhere you’re definitely going to be around noisy, smelly, rude, ugly, water-pushing - ugh - people literally. all. the. time. if you have such a piss-pants problem with it?

Now playing

She is white, she can’t afford to mind her business.

Seriously. Can this woman not afford earphones?

Tell your parents to be careful. That sounds like drug seeking behavior to me.

Probably trying to get to your medicine cabinet to look for pills.

Can you imagine having a life so devoid of shit to do that you could even begin to give a rat's ass about someone selling water without a permit? The mind boggles.