
You want a real response from The Atlantic? Throw a brick through their window. Or, better yet, hit them where it really hurts and go scare off their advertisers. Getting a couple pissy emails sent to the spam folder is amateur hour.

You know what I got from Harron’s article? That when Singal was confronted with the fact that he misinterpreted a study, he admitted he was wrong and apologized. That leads me to believe an actual dialogue might have been useful. Instead we got worthless name calling.

It would be if Singal was making a naturalistic argument (or an argument of any kind). But Singal isn’t making that argument, he’s not arguing that people should or shouldn’t be trans or should or shouldn’t wait. He’s not advocating for anything in particular.

Rioting isn’t nearly as easy to ignore as an email that goes directly to the spam folder. They are not equivalent.

If by “decorum freak” you mean “professional who achieves his goals”, guilty as charged.

It’s not about his feelings, nobody gives a crap about his feelings. It’s about the lost opportunity for a much more interesting, informative article that could have happened if Walker had challenged him in a way that got a response.

There are a lot of more important things. Sadly, they’ll never be accomplished this way.

It’s too bad that will never happen using this approach.

You mean I’ll appear professional in a professional setting? The horror.

That didn’t happen because they didn’t want to know Singal’s deal, they wanted to write an outrage piece.

You can be furious at Singal and also be annoyed at the phrasing at the same time. Anger can be expressed in more constructive ways than reaching out like this. I’m all for scathing articles and publicity that keep the focus where it needs to be. But I feel that childish interaction allows the guilty party to dismiss

This. It is really unprofessional to reach out for an interview with comments like that. I don’t blame the Atlantic for refusing to submit to an interview if all they had to go on was, “what is your fucking deal” etc.

Agreed. Those emails were completely unprofessional. There are good ways to fight, and I’m convinced there is a good story here. Too bad a journalist thinks it’s acceptable to speak like that in pursuit of a story.

I don’t think it counteracts, but I do think they’re right that a serious questioning could have netted a more valuable piece. While it’s possible that no response would have been given regardless of phrasing, this approach just makes the author look childish.

“Most doctors are still reluctant to prescribe hormones to minors, so a lot of trans minors end up waiting until 18, anyway.”

The problem is that I read Harron’s email and stop taking anything Harron has to say seriously. Harron may very well be right about Singal, but I will never know because I stopped listening.

May we assume that “What’s your fucking deal?” was not your first outreach? Why not present an earlier attempt - presuming you first contacted him and Atlantic with something like, “I am doing a piece on your various articles on trans issues. Can we sit down for an interview?” - which, perhaps went ignored, thus the

Seriously, Jezebel Snark™️ is a great way to get clicks and lulz, but maybe not the best way to get a comment from someone? Just a thought?  

Adults should be free to make whatever modifications to their bodies they desire.

Did you really expect Singal or their reps to speak with you given the way you approached the matter?