
Asylum is intended to be temporary. It’s not meant to be a backdoor to permanent immigration.

Sounds like mental illness to me. Or like Otherkin bullshit. I think some of those people have a real problem figuring out what their identity is and just grasp at every straw. Maybe I’m transgender? Maybe I’m really a wolf! Oh, I know, I’m actually Filipino on the *inside*.

James Baldwin talks about this in “If Black English Isn’t a Language, Tell Me what Is?” And this white person thinks he’s got it pegged down pretty well. He talks about how so much of the beauty of various cultures is born out of coping with pain and loss and oppression—so much of folk songs and regional cuisines and

Ok but Anne, why as a woman aren’t you just as offended as this man deciding he wants to be a woman? As an African American woman, I’m offended by both... the irony in your heading, you confirm this dude’s arbitrarily deciding he’s a woman, although born a male, yet you gasp at the thought of him wanting to be another

I really love anime. I’ve decided that I am now trans-animated. I share in the suffering of my 2D brethren, who have never been able to overcome the tyranny of the Z axis. We stand apart, but we stand together. On a flat surface.

I’m trans-species. Tomorrow, I’m going to identify as a camel.

When did I EVER tell you how to comport yourself? Or any other trans woman? When did I say or even IMPLY that trans women should shoulder any burden in regards to cis society?

If it sounds like I’m insisting that trans women be excluded, then you aren’t listening very well. I’m not going to keep re-typing what I’ve already said just so you can accuse me again of being exclusionary.

Re-read what I’ve written.

I agree. Honestly she looks more like a fashion run way model than a men’s magazine model. Run way models aren’t there to be traditionally sexually attractive, but “fashion” attractive. Men tend to like women with more curves and thickness. Most men don’t find run way models to be attractive, and it’s gay men and

But it only removes that “ick” factor for trans women who meet a very, very exacting and specific standard. I hear what you’re saying on different issues, but I feel like maybe they aren’t totally. Someone on the thread below said it better than I will I’m sure, but it seems like the same reason old white men might

His nipples are actually Lovecraftian extra-planar eyeballs. The censoring wasn’t so much for the sake of decency as it was for sanity.

If I glue on a tail can I call myself a cat?

I see she has succumbed to society’s pressure on women to be as thin as possible. In that top pic she is skeletal.

Exactly. Without nipples, breasts would be pointless.

Right? The rest of the breast is there. The size, the shape, all of it! But no nipples. It’s so weird.

I have never understood why our society feels the need to cover womens’ nipples. It seems so silly that those stupid black bars can take an image from obscene to acceptable.

I’m guessing with the sex and starvation diets for chosen women, dude has a type.

I don’t blame them... but damn, I’ll admit that the second someone pitched a group where “see, I’m the master and you’re my slaves! It’s tons of fun!” Id have noped right out of there like my pants were on fire.

I’m not even kidding, when I read that the first thing I thought was “that’s definitely gotta be some white women bullshit right there.”