
I just mean that he likely has lots of connections with the kind of people who would be particularly interested in funding or supporting an LGBT documentary. Not making an argument about his appropriateness to make the film. Just the advantages of having a prior Oscar nomination, which go well beyond the (real)

Polanski can direct.

This isn’t a once beloved actor, he’s a 65 year old executive. He was never in anyone’s open arms unless he came with bags of money to make their movie. He’ll have a comeback if he can pay for it.

Open arms? I doubt it, though you never know.

anyone see him being gone for a while and being welcomed back with open arms years later? i’m pessimistic that this will ruin him forever.

I think we’re all adults here, Karen. You can write “fucking” and we’ll be fine. How old are you? 12? “fricken,” eh?

Because, as I’ve explained to at least three other commenters, the whole thing seems like a collective delusion we’re all supposed to play along with.

I don’t ask anyone to use any pronoun when they refer to me. They refer to me as “he” because I’m male. That’s how the world works. If some don’t like it, I’ve come to the conclusion they’re the ones that have the problem, not everyone else.


Please accept that I’ll give your opinion of me exactly the amount of attention it deserves.

As I’ve been led to understand it, transsexuals don’t “identify” with their sex. I get that. They want to live as the sex they “identify” with, and that’s fine as well.

Well, after talking to people here, I guess I don’t know.

I’m totally fine with people living how they want.

Dismiss me. I couldn’t give a shit. You haven’t said anything that’s made any sense anyway. While others have actually discussed things you’re just bitching about perceived slights and I don’t care. Fuck off already.

No, I don’t accept it because it’s not true. As I wrote, if someone asks me to engage in an act they’re carrying out, it’s perfectly fine if I decide to go along with it. At the same time, it’s perfectly fine if I decide not to. But no matter how you look at it, referring to a male by the pronoun “he” is correct.

No, I’m not wrong. If you go through the discussions, I’ve reached a consensus with most that this is basically a matter of courtesy. You should refer to a transsexual by what they’d like to be called.

What pronoun people use when referring to us, generally speaking, has literally been determined by our sex throughout history.

I don’t really care how you “talk” to me on the internet. I don’t know you from Adam. If my comments offend you, that’s life. I’m not trying to be offensive but, hey, shit happens. The sooner you get over it the better off you’ll be.

Whatever, Sir or Madame. You’re in the TLDR territory now.

The fact I don’t blindly accept your opinions isn’t a sign of bad faith, it’s a sign I don’t buy your opinions.