
Best post I’ve read. Stone cold sober analysis.

Look, let’s be serious, DACA was not a sustainable policy nor was it meant as one. It was a stopgap measure that needed to transition into a real pathway to citizenship, and never did. And this begs a much bigger question: What should our immigration policy be? Should we have total open borders? Should we have a


You know, I really am in support of reparations. Show me a reparations bill and I’ll support it.

But it’s still funny to see social justice turning into just another grift. Oh tell me father, how can I be good and not a sinner? Well you can start by giving me all your money my son.


Yeah, she doesn’t seem to grasp that once you do the “ALL” thing, your right to bitch about the backlash is forfeit. So sorry chica, thanks for playing.

I agree with the general sentiment of her cri de cœur: white supremacy is a vast, monolithic and pervasive source of inequality in the world today that needs to be dismantled. But words have meaning, and the words she chose, the hot fire she originally spit, made the backlash she received entirely predictable.

What the fuck are you talking about?

Oh so I’m “tone policing”? That whole “first amendment doesn’t protect you from consequences of speech” is just for racist republicans I guess.

Hate to tell you, but in areas of naturally darker skin tone...the preference for lighter tones goes much farther back in history than when white colonialism hit them.

She was fired for HER racism.

Agreed. Among his many strange neuroses and obsessions, none is more pronounced than Trump’s devotion to undoing Obama’s legacy. Good or bad, big or small, it doesn’t matter. To me, it seems to go deeper than mere racism. Methinks it’s the fact that Obama was adored by rich and poor, accepted by the society that has

That argument was always a lie.

Members of the military are required not to follow illegal orders. Many of President Trump’s desires, tweets, and even formally issued orders go against the Constitution.

Maybe we can give Trump some GI Joes to play with and he might forget about the study.

It’s what happens when you have a person who views everything as transactional.

I really do wish I could say I’m shocked that he made his response to a terrible natural disaster about himself, but, well, here we are.

“Later, spotting a crowd of people, he said “What a crowd!” and “What a turnout!”

Yes but undocumented person sounds like a minor bureaucratic error whereas illegal immigrant sounds illegal.

That’s a naive sentiment: CBP traditionally closes the checkpoints in natural disasters, because the misdemeanor (yes, it’s a misdemeanor) of crossing the border illegally does not trump public safety. And that’s public safety in all circumstances: perhaps you would be surprised by the occasional traffic flushes at

You seem to have a typo throughout your article. The proper words are “illegal immigrants”. Other than that I agree, it is important to continue to enforce laws and hold criminals responsible for their actions even during natural disasters.

I don’t know how these “checkpoints” work, but in an area where traffic congestion is already predicted along evacuation routes, won’t this make it worse? Even if you think, in principle, that this is justified, it seems like the negative impact on *everyone’s* evacuation would make it not worth it.