
Sounds about right. With all that is out there, how the shit do people still work with him?

There are hundreds of accounts that talk about how he was a fixture at a certain local high school’s path home. He’d pick from new pubescents, and everybody knew about it, including the adults.

In fairness, she didn’t say she was anti-makeup just that it shouldn’t take more than 15 minutes.

Right. Many states do allow 15 year olds to give consent to someone within a reasonable age range (3-5 years). R Kelly was not doing that.

Incidentally, you don’t have the ability to sign contracts, either, so those NDAs are worth jack shit if he had her sign them when she was 15.

We have a family friend who’s been in the music business for years and during R. Kelly’s criminal trial he told us that Kelly is known to seek out the youngest girls at a party. He’ll find the one with braces, or teen acne, the one that looks alone, uncomfortable or out of place. He is 100% a predator and should be in

In general, if you are accused of murder and your response is to come up with one story and then, a few weeks later, announce a radically different, completely inconsistent alternative, you are going to look guilty.

The instant this story broke, I assumed he killed her.

Yes. This statement:

Immediate burial at sea because he figured that’s what family would want after a loved one dies in an “accident?” Hmmm, that’s a new murdery line of defense.

So he definitely murdered her.

Yep, that’s the one that I’d say maybe didn’t need to come down? Being the son of a racist and traitor doesn’t make one a racist and traitor. The only iffy thing I see on his wiki page is that he once introduced a bill for pensions for ex-confederates or smth, but that, while not good, doesn’t seem like enough.

May Lucifer — our One True Lord and Dark Master — descend upon us and give the Democrats a unifying message we can take to the polls a year from now.

A statue of former Texas Governor James Stephen Hogg—the son of a Confederate general—will also be taken down.

“Sorry guys, we already filled those pedestals with with three statues of Ann Richards.”

How long before the Texas legislature passes a law forcing them to put the statues back up?

Finally. It’s worth noting that Fenves is the son of a Holocaust survivor and can obviously appreciate the significance of something like this. Proud of my alma mater.

Will never understand this country’s need to erect statues dedicated to traitors who lost.

Such an unfortunate juxtaposition. If you’re going to have a kid- you definitely want to write down the first and last name next to each other and say them out loud several times!