
I had a coworker who cut her parents off right after the election. She’s white, a lesbian in an interracial marriage (her wife is Latina). Her parents voted for 45. She was like “No, we will not be coming to your house for Thanksgiving, and I see no need for us to speak further.” She has 3 or 4 siblings who are like

THIS. Hence why he uses the same descriptors over and over. He says the compliments he thinks they value and want to hear. Nothing of substance.

I was going to comment the same thing- of COURSE the first adjective he uses is “beautiful.” How about BRAVE!? BADASS?

This ‘man’ would find a way to go under the bar if you buried it.

I hope you have a good therapist. That would traumatize me.

that quote keeps drifting down my TL and all I can think is that he just doesn’t know how to describe people in real terms, because other people aren’t real to him.

First thing I noticed too, fucking disgraceful...

This story has scarred me & they aren’t even my parents! Oof. That is an image that will stay with a person.

45 can’t bring himself to mention any woman, even a murdered one, without framing it around whether he finds her attractive or not.

That seems appropriate, actually.


It wouldn’t matter if they did. Republicans fake an interest in ‘moral’ values to 1) keep the rubes who vote for them distracted by stuff that doesn’t affect them at all while they’re being fleeced of their rights as workers and their children’s futures,2)keep activists in panic mode, protesting these policies while

About the only “charitable” thing I can say about Delgado is that she does have a chin.


Chins are where human empathy and decency is stored, turns out.

Oh look, he grew a goatee to try to compensate for a missing chinny chin chin.

For him it must have been like looking in a magical mirror that gave him a chin.

Probably why they were attracted to one another.

I feel she’s a traitorous twat and she can die in a fire. I don’t really care how anyone else feels about her. The word “should” never enters into it.