
Yeah she’s mad that she looks black rather than someone who is a mulatta which is why she has to keep mentioning being biracial.

I agree with you. She, probably, feels like the best thing her daddy did was marry a white woman. Then again, perhaps her daddy shaped her views? He could have been the one who motivated her to distance herself from other blacks and the black community. I’ve learned of plenty of instances where the black parent(and

I believe she only said that because Sage Steele is a god damn opportunist; she only said “we, as African Americans” because it was an opportune time for her to identify as such. Otherwise, the bitch runs as far away from that label as she possibly can.

I am also a biracial woman. I grew up in the Deep South. Honestly, until Sage said so, I had no idea she was racially mixed. She’s several shades browner than the mixed people I know (including myself).

But she is wrong. The Boston Tea Party proves that protest is just as American as George Washington. What America wants to say is, “why can’t those niggers just be happy with what they got”

It must pain her every day having to look in the mirror and see black skin. Here she is trying to live her best white life and fuck if she doesn’t have to be reminded of her black daddy. And so unrequested and unprompted she delivers her screeds of blacks being un-American and the true racists.

At the end of the day we all see ourselves as an individual. In America I’m labeled black because of my skin color. Its interesting that Ms Steele complains about white people thinking she is the nanny when they see her with her kids but it doesn’t bother her as much as black people who call her out for what she is.

I feel the same way about the changing the last namediscussions that go on around here. Keep your name, change your name- do whatever the fuck you want- but stop claiming that the reason you chose to take on someone elses name is feminist because I have no attachment to my family nameor I want the whole family

Same. Although she had a point to be made about Beyonce and Capitalism, but we’re not allowed to talk about that so.....

I have had more than one argument with women on Jezebel about shaving. Fine, you like to shave, but don’t deny what’s behind it. Most people disagreed with me, lol.

Do you think it’s possible to be a feminist and not devote every action of your life to feminism?

I’m personally sick of cutesy, swallow, self-centered feminism. And I’m really sick of reactionary feminism that is hysterical over dumb things (i.e. I just watched a bunch of women screaming at a Twitter ad about how binge drinking affects women’s health and they called it victim blaming. Um, they aren’t talking

I don’t know if I would say they were trying to paint US workers as being lazy so much as employers were unwilling to pay an even remotely fair wage to US citizens.

On-demand hot water? as in, a tankless water heater? What am I missing?

“Press Secretary Sean Spicer, whose face remains orange, quickly took the opportunity to start a feud with the Anne Frank Center for Mutual Respect, however, after the Center’s executive director told the Times: “The president’s sudden acknowledgment of anti-Semitism is a Band-Aid on the cancer of anti-Semitism that

I find that people who grew up well off usually add some sort of exception “but my parents never told me how much we had so I didn’t grow up thinking we had money” or “but they always asked me what I was spending it on so it’s not like I had an unlimited account”.

Doesn’t really sound like a “money is strange” situation. Sounds more like a “you grew up quite rich, and around really rich people” situation.

The hand waving “I can’t” people drive me nuts. I had a bitter exchange on a flying thread with someone who just “can’t” prevent her toddler from kicking someone’s seat. FFS, recognize your adulthood, parents.

How do you call the police on a plane without some level of cooperation from the cabin crew?

WHY DO PEOPLE CONTINUE TO FLY DELTA?! Seriously, I would rather have a 1000 hour layover on a different flight than fly Delta. Or American. Or Spirit.