
Hes not getting impeached. His presence allows the GOP to ramrod through their own policies and then to conveniently blame 45 when it doesn’t work in order to retain power. Unlike Democrats and third party whahoos, the GOP know how to get in line and compromise.

Any leader who calls a free and independent press “the enemy of the people” is an existential threat to democracy.

Just a couple of examples of what I’m talking about:

Isn’t it exhausting to think about? This is why I’m the most sexually boring person on the planet—none of this sounds hot and fun, it sounds like work. Fucking work in the most literal sense.

Yeah, I like this. Rich NYC people are some of the few people 45 actually cares about, so any time they reject him, I’m good with it because it gets under his skin.

While it’s true that it’s unrealistic to expect condom use across the board, I don’t think a “shrug, some people don’t like em, therefore hundreds of unprotected partners is totes reasonable” approach is healthy either. Sex is a risky activity; reducing that risk needs to be encouraged, and magic bullet thinking

Also, like, use it with a condom, not in lieu of one. Because there are plenty of other bugs out there besides HIV that you do not want in your hidey hole.

i dunno, 75 partners in a month doesn’t sound all that fun to me, it sounds more like work. and chafing.

I know this shouldn’t be the takeaway, but I CANNOT get over how much sex this guy is having. I physically don’t think I could do it, anally or otherwise. I don’t have that kind of stamina. I also don’t think I could ever pull that many partners, even if I lost 50 pounds and got a boob job. He must be physically

I feel like at a certain point you’re pushing your luck with Truvada, and at 75, 56, 56, 50, 38, 49, 66 and 12, you’re REALLY pushing your luck.

Where does one find the time?

OMG. I am SOOOO sex positive and you-do-you-y and nonjudgmental BUT THAT’S SO MANY PARTNERS OMG.

Joseph Stalin would like a word with you...

This is all Fascism 101 isn’t it?

Poor Jared, his father can’t write a check big enough to make this go away.

Jared is the kid in 6th grade who smugly reminds the teacher she forgot to give out homework right before dismissal for the winter break.

According to a CNN spokeswoman, the White House is incorrect. “Once again, the White House has their facts wrong. CNN’s ratings are up 50%,” the spokeswoman said. “Our journalism has never been stronger as we continue to hold the administration’s feet to the fire. Those are the facts.”

This is exactly how you engender even more negative coverage.

Naming specific journalists/commentators in a complaint is really not a good way to not come across as a regime out to destroy the fourth estate.

I completely believe that many of the super-thin models are healthy. But when the designer only casts that kind of body type for his show, he’s saying that it’s the ideal body for wearing his clothes. And not only is that unattainable for most people, it’s a shitty business decision.