
It’s more of a numbers game. For example, there are way fewer illegal Irish in the US. (It’s estimated that there are 50,000 in the US.) So, there deportation numbers are going to be lower than say the illegal Mexican population which is estimated to be around 6.5 million. The undocumented population as a whole is

They literally raided Chinese birth tourism places all over California the other week.

I don’t think you’ve been paying much attention to immigrant deportations in the U.S. for the last decade.

Government benefits. Taxes. Jobs. Crime. I’m sure there are others, quite possibly imaginary, that a Trump supporter could add to the list, too.

Not to mention that the sugar in the juice causes bloating. Lean protein like turkey is obv the smarter choice, and Dr. Luke is obviously a fucking idiot (among other things)

Not to mention - JUICE ISN’T low in calories. It’s fruit sugar (fructose) and you’re healthier EATING THE DAMN FRUIT. Fiber and all.

I know people who have little money who have jumped through the hoops. How is that fair to people who follow the law. And illegal immigration does come with many serious issues like black market crimes (human and drug trafficking), tax evasion, makes it easier for employers to abuse them and skirt other laws (for fear

He’s breaking the law!!! This is really just too much. For the most part I’m liberal but this is just crazy. Why are people ok with he law just blatantly being broken?! I’m referring to illegal immigrants. If you’re not here legally then you should not be here. If you are here legally then ok.

I think Davis’ approach works best for white people who’ve never really been around a black person. My elementary school had like one black kid, and my middle school had none. So while we read about MLK and Ruby Bridges (and yes, it is weird to read about her while in an almost entirely white school) black people

My paticular take on it is that non-Jews tend to forget that anti-semitism was even more widespread in Europe than it is today. A lot of the British upper classes were quite seduced by Nazism in theory, if not in practice.

I’ve never seen that 1.6% number and imagine it is totally fake or based on the percentage of the entire US population who owned more than 100 slaves or something. Accepted numbers are that about 25% of white people in the South owned slaves at the outbreak of the war, but as the person above mentioned, that 25% is

I don’t know what that means though. 30% of families, does that mean 30% of all southern men? Would bachelors count as a family?

I used to volunteer in a senior center and I got to be pretty close to this one elderly German woman who had immigrated to the US decades before I met her, but was in her late 20s, maybe early 30s during the war. I just worked reception usually but she’d sit and chat with me because I liked hearing her stories and we

As a Chewbacca I tend to think of it the way I do the South and Slavery. A relatively small percentage of Southerners owned slaves and directly profited from the slave trade but almost all of them were racist as fuck and generally ok with the system as it existed, so fuck ‘em.

Why....did they bring guns to a wedding rehearsal?

I have, on multiple occasions, thanked my parents for their sanity.

I’d like to take this moment to thank the universe for allowing me to be born into a family that is not completely and irrevocably insane. I consider it the single greatest gift I have ever received.

Under FERPA, I do more to hide my students’ grades and id numbers than this jackass does to hide classified information that might keep us all from dying. JFC.

Next jackass who tells me Hillary was a traitor because she might not have been perfect about her emails gets ripped a new one.

There is a seriously good chance that this motherfucker will get us all killed.