
It isn’t his fault he was caught?

I hate a cheater. I even more hate a stupid cheater. I mean, if you’re gonna do it, don’t be a fucking idiot when you do it.

Oh, he didn’t just use an app – he used the app on his wife’s phone. It’s amazing that he’s shameless enough to file a public lawsuit over this.

People who are stupid enough to use an app for cheating deserve what they get. I don’t advocate cheating on what one party thinks is a monogamous relationship, but motherfucker catch a yellow cab or something. Geez.

Not only can you get $48million, you can also be president of the United States!

not logging out of an app is not a bug you complete brie covered buffoon 

Also, uh, don’t use your wife’s phone for cheating purposes? I wish I could get $48 million for being unremittingly stupid...

You left out: never use uber (full stop).

You could donate them, maybe to the charity that helps women with outfits for job interviews or something? Or just wear them- after all she doesn’t profit from you wearing them now. But if the vibes are just too bad, donating them would feel good, I think.

And now deplorables who you know didn’t shop at Nordstrom’s anyways *are* boycotting.

Fat chance, trump deplorables are the type of shoppers who can’t afford to shop at Nordstrom.

I wouldn’t even pay a measly dollar for that schmatte.

You know what’s hilarious, though? Trump’s deplorable have mobilized to boycott Nordstroms for no longer carrying Ivanka’s crap. It’s so funny, it’s like they don’t understand how business works. If something isn’t selling, the store won’t continue to sell it because they’re interested in sales. And now deplorables

A source close to Trump said that his daughter scolded Conway for dragging her brand into an ethics mess and told her not to mention it again on TV.

Jesus H Christ, I hope she doesn’t (and I voted for her). She has too much baggage. She is not a slam dunk candiate and the Democrats need to learn from their mistakes. Run someone young and without years of intrigue behind him/her. Run someone like Obama that will get people excited to vote.

Awesome. One of the few places his white trash cousin fucking supporters could afford, but even Kmart is all “NOPE”. Fuck this entire family. I want their name to be fucking toxic for generations. Kushner too.

I wouldn’t wear anything marked “Trump” if they fucking paid me...

Everything about this is just pure gold - the price, the discount, the name next to the dirt cheap price and “Made in China”... You can’t make this stuff up.

I wonder how many people are buying these on clearance clothing and cutting out the tags.

That says everything, really. They really care about “illegals taking peoples’ jobs”? Then crack down on anyone hiring “illegals”. If you just deport one, another will be hired in their place. If that was genuinely what they cared about they’d be raiding farms and businesses and fining owners for everyly “illegal