
The other lawyers I know have been remarking about how Trump reminds us of that client who’s sure everything will be fine if we would just let him talk directly to the judge and work things out.

Yes. I can’t believe we’re at less than a month. How will we survive?

Now your calling the other poster a liar.

C’mon. Seriously? You thought her call to hire an African-American writer meant “hire any ol’ body off the street as long as they fail the paper bag test?”

she didn’t recommend an unqualified african-american, just and african american. do you assume that qualified african-american editorial writers are non-existant?

If you live in a city where the population is diverse, but the editorial pages are 100% white, the paper will not reflect the concerns of the diverse population. It’s not a question of turning down qualified white editors, it’s a matter of actively recruiting a staff that reflects the experience of the population.

It’s a conservative thing. It’s part of their identity, to be constantly under some kind of attack...

No, the problem is you are being an asshole, and justifying being an asshole with a space opera fairytale. There is no credible education professional in the world who would validate your stance of “insult people until they agree with you,” You speak in hyperbole and conjecture, just like the “close-minded” people you

This. In my 20s, I was 100% certain that I never wanted to have kids. Now that I’ve been married for four years and have done lots of adventurous things with my life and am in my 30s, I’ve decided having a kid might be a-ok after all. It’s all about perspective and where a person is in their life.

Want to make it about childfree couples, go ahead, that was not my intention, but merely my emotions on reading the news, so let’s try lighten up.

I only said it in a lighthearted manner, but anyways, have a nice night.

He had already been married once, a long time ago. No kids came from that marriage. Maybe he really thought he didn’t want it, but then he met the right person and changed his mind. When you’re in a couple, it’s no longer just about you, etc.


Exactly. People say things at different points in their life and they change their minds. Let’s all stop acting as if wanting kids is the worst thing in the world.

Yes, that is true, too. But when you’re seeing women well over 40 having twins, it’s *usually* fertility treatments as well. Getting pregnant (and staying pregnant) naturally well over 40 is not an easy feat.

Fertility docs for the most part, absolutely. Older women, all having twinsies. That’s how it works.

When you have more money than God, it really doesn’t matter — you can have 10 nannies on one kid if you want to. Madonna just adopted twin four-year-olds, and she’s 58. When you have all the money, you can do anything and everything.

Yay! Awesome for them and proof to never say never.

So because they escaped justice 20 years ago that suddenly erases their crime? Nonsense. The fact she prospered from her crime so long ago does not excuse her of the penalty.

Steve Bannon looks like the drunk guy who catches you walking into the bar and asks you to blow into the breathalyzer ignition defeat device in his car so he can drive it, at 4:00 pm in the afternoon, because he needs to pick up his kids at school.