
I was a jerk at 17, so I see it as calling it what it was. The bottom line was that nothing in his behavior justified GZ’s actions.

I think now it’s beyond arguing that this child was treated as a second class citizen because of his race, but I also think it’s worth noting that even his parents didn’t expect that at the time- they expected justice. What’s remarkable - and so, so ugly- is the fact that so many observers seemed perfectly at peace

I think it’s important to get the parents perspective. While Trayvon was no angel, there was nothing in his behavior that warranted an arbitrary death sentence at the hands of an insecure, wannabe authority figure. No one knows what he could have become; at only 17 he still had his entire life ahead of him. What

I notice that she didn’t use the killer’s name in this interview. Very thoughtful...take the power away from the killer and his post-murder antics and put the focus back where it belongs, on her murdered son.

God bless Sybrina Fulton, Rest in Power Trayvon, and fuck you to hell KKK-lites NRA, GOP, and of course Zimmerman.

I don’t think he’s smart nor has he ever been. He’s a bully and was born into a wealthy family. The level of wealth he has insulates him completely. He could show up to a business meeting, say nonsense like “this is tremendous! We’re gonna make it great again. I know we’re all going to be very happy.” His

It’s called making a “substantial donation” or legacy student. George W. Bush didn’t get into Yale on his grades. He got in on his name.

Can we talk about how damn near every item of clothing these days is made of polyester/man made materials? I was at Target yesterday looking for some black cotton underwear and fuck me if it wasn’t all straight nylon. WHY.

It’s almost the color of Big League (Bigly!) Chew.

Having worked as a product manager for a multibillion dollar retail in the past, I can tell you that there is no emotion in these decisions other than the bottom line. Many times I had to have unfortunate conversations with suppliers because their product just didn’t sell.

Well now if she starts selling it in Walmart and Kmart the Ladies Auxiliary of the MAGA Army will buy it up like hotcakes. 

I guess that makes Ivanka a special little snowflake who needs a safe space. And screw Nordstrom for not selling clothes made by a “great person”! -_-

I hate flapped pockets in general and especially on “business wear.”

Jared Kushner’s daddy bribed his son into Harvard. Methinks something similar occurred with Papa Goldenhair in law.

“[Trump] called his national security advisor at 3 am with a pressing question he needed answered—is a strong or weak dollar better for the economy?”

I love his assertion that her being a great person(citation needed) has any bearing on Nordstrom carrying her line. They cut it because it didnt sell, and Nordstrom is a business, it wouldnt matter if it was Mother Teresas line.

They all strike me as the type of rich, incurious assholes that go to a bespoke tailor on Savile Row, ask for an off-the-rack suit, and then get pissed when they’re told things don’t work that way.

They don’t try things on. Look at how these idiots dress.

Unfortunately, the reality is that she is a Saudi woman and one beholden to a high-ranking male member of the Royal Family. She knows that despite what Jezebel and the Western press may rosily parrot here, her “role” is dictated completely by the whims of the men around her. Undoubtedly, the Royal Family approved of