
The myth of rugged individualism is at the center of the American Dream and all its concomitant failures , along with a healthy serving of the Just World Fallacy. It has been singularly destructive in that it has taught people that lack of compassion and empathy is a good thing, that it is ‘every man for himself’ at

exactly. They’re the type of job creators that purposefully schedule people for one hour less than full time so they never have to accountable to another human and give them benefits.

I’m pretty sure when he said “friends” he actually meant “me”. Apparently the banks have wanted nothing to do with the Trump group for some time now.

I’m done reaching out and letting “love trump hate”. I’m sick of that slogan. These motherfuckers don’t deserve love. They don’t love anyone but the “good white Christian brother or sister” and “America”.

exactly. i am done trying to appeal to them. I will concentrate on the progressives that have been disillusioned by the political process. We need to focus on the energy felt right now and if we stay on message, that we are the party of the working class, not just white working class, but for all americans, then we

I eagerly await their delicious tears. And then watch them bitch and complain even HARDER about the liberal coasts who are fighting for them with legislation and protesting and organization.

Don’t forget Jesus. A lot of people claim their faith forced them to vote for trump. You know - the greedy, bigoted, fraudulent, false-witness-bearing, refugee-hating, braggadocios sexual criminal. That’s who Jesus wanted.

Hey um just a heads up, as a disability attorney, if he’s very active and is capable of working full-time, he really shouldn’t be on disability. The system is meant for people who are unable to work full-time at any job. He might be committing fraud if he is currently working (in which case, you’re not the bad person

And this is the thing I HATE about America, that we don’t mercilessly shame people for begin stupid or ignorant. People should feel embarrassed to be ignorant in this country. Instead, they are proud of it, they embrace it, they wallow in it, that call intelligent or educated or informed people who can articulate

If the goat ran on the Democratic Party platform and all his decisions were made based on which tin can he chose to eat, the goat would still be a better president than Trump.

A recent poll gives Trump an 80% approval rating from republicans (and an 80% disapproval from democrats). I just can’t tell you what it will take for republicans to wake up. They isolate themselves from anything but right wing media that lies to them, and they believe stupid things that are antithetical to their

Amen brother. He has made ALL of his money by taking out loans to start businesses, running them into the ground and declaring bankruptcy all while paying himself a huge salary as CEO/consultant. The banks should run the other way when they see him. He has been one of the biggest grifters of banks and stockholders

DB is the only source of loans for The Orange One, as I understand it, because he’s pissed away every lending relationship he’s had with domestic lenders. He’s a shyster, plain and simple.

Yup. Most of his lenders aren’t even large domestic banks anymore. It has something to do with him defaulting on loans and/or filing for chapter 11 at least six times.

Also how the hell could he not make money off of football, steak, booze and gambling? That’s 4 out of the top 5 most American things in America!

Many if not most of the Trump voters are Republican voters who were not going to vote for another party, no matter who the candidate was. They are passionately tied to the issues of abortion and gun control and the vague idea of “less government.” I think many of them now would shrug and say they’re not particularly

If my other social media feeds are any indication, then most of his supporters are in it for the long haul. You don’t let yourself get willingly conned for over years just to switch your mind once the con starts to be revealed. Instead you get misty eyed because some car commercial guy tells Hollywood to shake hands

Never. His brainwashed cult will never ever be deprogrammed. Not as long as faux news, Breitbart and all the rest exist.

To all the liberals Americans who had the audacity to think that Hillary Clinton would have been just as bad as Trump. Fuck you very much.

Surprising no one, he’s full of shit. His buddies probably can’t loans because they are a bad credit risk. Just like his OWN COMPANY.