
Speaking of verbose nazel-gazing blondes, Elizabeth Wurtzel’s Bitch: in praise of difficult women (which I unironically like, come at me haters) has a chapter on our culture’s fascination with beautiful-but-fucked-up-women, and how mental illness and instability and unhappiness are glamourised and fetishised as long

Yeeah, a good friend of mine is very literally dying of an eating disorder - we were out on one of her good days, and people kept telling her how fantastic she looked and praising her for being so thin. I was horrified and felt so helpless, and she looked at me and was like “see? They don’t care if my organs are

Thank you SO much for that! I couldn’t recall specifically what she did but I have a long memory and recalled she was “one of those” troubled women that had a relationship with Gawker and was also an utterly awful human being (Jezebel has promoted a few over the years). Fuck Cat Markell AND her perpetuation of the

Isn’t Cat Marnell just the new Elizabeth Wurtzel? Yawn.

That’s what really pisses me off. So many talented people work their asses off and get nowhere because they lack connections. She falls ass-backwards into these glamorous, well-paying, high profile jobs and acts as if she’s doing everyone a favor by merely showing up instead of staying home and snorting coke. Fuck

In this country, that’s more than enough to have a career & a loyal audience.

I have a chronic intestinal condition. People don’t really understand that being thin and in the bathroom all the time don’t make for a lot of fun.

yeah, every time she ‘disappears’ from public life I hope it’s for good this time, but like a cockroach ...

People like Cat Marnell are part of the reason it’s so insane to me that people still want to claim the US isn’t a country with deep, deep class divisions that tend to be reproduced quite independently of a person’s actions. If Cat Marnell had been born to a working class family, she would have spent lots of time in

Except why the fuck is she earning a shit ton of money for this garbage when normal people struggle earning minimum wage?

That excerpted paragraph has soooo many “I’s.”

What about this is interesting to you? Also - did you read the article? She doesn’t want your concern. She’s trolling you.

Remember Cat Marnell’s essay about how abortion is bad and terrible and totally murdering a baby, and yes she’s had lots of them and will undoubtedly have more because she hates condoms and birth control makes her fat which makes it perfectly acceptable in her case, but they’re still horrible when anyone else has

Buying her book or reading her columns just enables this lifestyle. No thanks.

en serio... who cares about some privileged blondie who threw her life away to do some drugs? It’s pathetic how she got a $500,000 book advance when there are more talented writers working in day jobs and trying to send out unsolicited emails to publishers during their free time. I read her stuff on xoJane and she’s

No shit. Jezebel routinely trashes Elizabeth Wurtzel, but they like this garbage? Marnell is an incredibly tedious hack. There is nothing remotely interesting about her or her story. I just don’t get it.

Well, clearly this woman doesn’t want to get better, so she’ll keep on doing this for your collective entertainment until she feels like getting better. No rehab will do a damn thing as long as you’re still in love with your addiction & with your addict-self.

Also INCREDIBLY tedious. That passage above is supposed to be an example of compelling writing? Oh, for Chrissake.

This person is really gross and also SUPER uninteresting. “Privileged white woman squanders potential multiple times and continues rebuilding burned bridges only to rinse and repeat yet again! She fooled you!” - like wow what an original, fascinating narrative. I do not understand the appeal or why media outlets keep

Oooh! A story about a “glamorous” rich kid who does drugs! We’ve never been down this road before!