
How do you go from thoughtful and respectful decision making to this fucking travesty we have now is beyond me.

Reagan, when he was governor of California, suddenly supported gun control when the Black Panthers took advantage of the open carry law.

Flagged. Fuck off back to Stormfront.


“...emotional states of the Revolutionists.”

No really, fuck you.

You don’t get to be offended by someone saying “fuck you” and then rail about safe spaces and triggering. You’re not some victim of exclusionary dialogue, you just got called out for having a shitty opinion.

The very nano-second that you see the government support gun restrictions you will know the government is afraid of revolution from the left.

None of my dystopian novels predicted rouge park rangers leading the resistance on Twitter. . .

Trump has spent very little time on anything that would not horrify the left, to the extent that he has failed to complete the basic task of sending federal assistance to Mississippi and Georgia after tornadoes slammed the South this weekend.

Ugh. There needs to be a day of public shaming for Trump voters. I still can’t believe they willingly did this to their own country. Just to spite others they don’t care about or consider worthy.

Poor wittle racist piece of garbage wanted an honest response? Did you get your special snowflake fee-fees hurt?

“Look, black people all live in the projects and litter all the time. Lol, now look at all the people who I know are gonna call me a ‘racist’ just because I said that.”

Fuck you.

I would love for someone to explain how a fucking wall is going to stop drug dealers. Someone want to give Trump a children’s biography of the Wright Brothers and explain that drug cartels TEND to be able to afford plane tickets and TEND not to send their inventory through rivers and no man’s land?

I’m angry too. I’m so worried for my mom and my uncle, both of whom need health care, and neither of whom would be able to afford it without the ACA.

I’ve gotten pretty out of control with some of the things I’ve been saying to people online. I’m at the point where I just don’t care about the people who voted for him; I keep saying, you shit the bed, have fun rolling around in it. The other day I told a woman that I hope her granddaughter dies with a bloody coat

After ACA is destroyed, their kids have no healthcare, I would look him in the eye, and simply say, this is the consequence of voting in Trump. Nothing more, and just walk away. I am sorry the kids have to suffer, but other people that didn’t vote for him will be.

I. Am. Furious.

“If you ain’t rich, you don’t deserve to be alive,” - The Republican viewpoint.

It is entirely heartless and sociopathic. They are literally signing death warrants. I don’t know how you can so removed from reality that you think getting rid of people’s health insurance is a good idea.