
for cereal, can we start some sort of basically underground railroad for women in need??

They can have the whole bus, I will wait for the next one.

Did he also sign a bill creating funds to support the emotionally wrecking and financial burden of the pregnancy incompatible with life that will cost mothers $100's of thousands of dollars to bring to term?

I really wish we could sue these bastards for the cost to Ohio to litigate the defense of a law that is blatantly unconstitutional. I know they plan on getting another justice because Obama is a huge wimp, but still this still may be ruled unconstitional.

A pregnant woman typically has the first detailed anatomy scan at 20 weeks. Many fetal anomalies that are incompatible with life are not discovered prior to this ban.

“Sanctity of life” until you are born, of course.

I see from what you wrote that you are a good person who thinks of their relatives (no matter how problematic) with love and affection. Fine. Bring your grown up-py skills to the conversation. Freaking show off.

Actually your comment just shows the white supremacy that’s inherent in any commentary about looks in this country.

Listen, when the animal kingdom is sending us there animals, there not sending the best. There sending bandits, and rapists (looking at you dolphins). And I am sure some of them just want to be good boys but we cant house them all.

Nonsense! Opossums are Odorable!

Hi, professional Infection Preventionist here. Wild animals should never be approached for fear of lots of diseases, not just rabies.

You can get locks for cans that are bear proof. My previous home had a Pond in the back yard that was literally animal central and the only time we had problems with cans being opened was when we got new tenants that had a baby with diapers and had not snapped the locks on properly.

Now if a freaking wild animal can sit neatly in a seat, WHY do we have to deal with manspreading?

Now playing

NOPE. Rabies is fucking terrifying. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

Say what you will about the raccoons, I’ll take them over the B&T coyotes that ride Metro North.

I don’t even think she’s attractive. Period. She’s thin and expensively-dressed— these two things alone are enough to create the functional illusion of Attractive, but empirically, she’s not.

(a handy roadmap to purge federal employees because of their political beliefs)

Interesting. My in-laws love to pass around the Obamas-as-monkeys memes all day, but when I refer to my golf-obsessed sister-in-law as a “leather bag with a smile”, suddenly I’m not invited to Thanksgiving!

“But what about a hot black woman vs. a church-going illegal immigrant?”

The illegal immigrant wins in this case. First off, most of the rabid Right would never acknowledge that a black woman can be hot, and if they did, it’d come with the caveat of “I bet she has a string of baby daddies.” Illegal vs. black can be a

Anyone from Scandinavia is okay, so long as they reject their fantastic maternity leave laws for both mother and father, 90% high school graduation rate and above average literacy, math, and science levels, 95% satisfaction rate with water quality and all around general amazing quality of life. Oh and their silly