
I think groom’s cake are unnecessary—then again, so’s cake!—but they’ve been around awhile. I remember going to family weddings as a kid in elementary school with my parents and quite a few had groom’s cakes. It’s not a new thing.

THIS. But with gluten-free nutjobs and celiac disease. “I have to have gluten-free everything!” “Oh, you have celiac disease?” “What? Ew, no. I just can’t have gluten like, AT ALL.”

What fucking circles are you running in that you know multiple people who have lost their god damn fingers?!!?

You know multiple people that lost their fingers from their rings?! Damn, talk about burying the lede. That’s nuts.

So I wasn’t supposed to eat it? IT SAID CHOCOLATE ON THE BOX.

Those used to be saved for industrial use so this is an even bigger scam than the regular diamond one. These are worth what it cost to cut them, period.

My grandmother loved garnets and gave them to me for every birthday. Your post reminded me I should dig them the rings out and wear them.

My most-hated diamond commercials are the ones for “chocolate diamonds.” They are brown. Your diamonds are brown, they are not that rare, and they are ugly. Other colored diamonds are named by their color: “yellow,” “pink,” “blue,” etc. If you can’t tell the truth and just name your diamond by its color, that is

I genuinely prefer semi-precious stones (esp. garnets) set in silver. Bad for the fine jewelry industry, good for my wallet. I would say good for my gift-givers as well, but I don’t have any.

Le Vian chocolate diamonds are trolling people so hard and it’s hilarious.

That shit cracks me up. And they call them chocolate diamonds, like they’ll pull an Emperor’s New Clothes and just fool everyone.

Normally I think that the whole diamond thing is a scammy scam scam, but one of my friends has an engagement ring that is amazingly beautiful - amazingly clear and lovely cut that’s full of angles and rainbows and the whole deal. A lot different than the basic “here is my diamond” kind that those of us who aren’t

The black diamonds really, really piss me off. Where I am from, we have a word for that, and that word is coal.

I don’t need diamonds, but I do need gems. Big ones, and keep ‘em coming! Diamonds can be beautiful, but the fakery of their rarity besides the whole human suffering thing really turns me off. I know there are abuses in most mining operations, but DeBeers is pretty much the Evil Empire. Seriously, Darth Vader is

I keep getting targeted ads on Hulu for this new brown shit diamond and like, no. No fucking way.

Mike Pence is a piece of shit. One of the worst politicians I’ve seen in my time in Indiana and that, quite frankly, is saying something.

Trump Pence have no plans of applying civility, they shouldn’t expect it.

I fully concur with this statement, Ashley. Dude deserves boos and hisses thrown his way during all hours of the day. These assholes from the NYTimes should realize that he’s not trying to engage anyone. Stop trying to make him look good, he’s not fucking worth it.

Mike Pence is a walking bag of dirt. Fuck him. I hope he is booed everywhere he goes for the rest of his life.

It was via Facebook and sadly there’s no bitch-slapping sticker.