
His response is “oil and water don’t mix.” Maybe not, but human DNA mixes with human DNA, buddy. You cannot make this shit up!

I think the individual level racism (like your mom) will be gone sooner than people think. But the institutional stuff that’s really built in will persist and people won’t understand it. And if they don’t understand it, they won’t fix it. That’s kinda my fear.

I don’t know why you, nor anyone else who does, would say this. We have an overwhelming amount of federal anti-discrimination acts. Civil Rights, Immigration Control and Reform, Genetic Information, Fair Housing—every single one of these acts mean that he does not, in fact, have a right to creating a town that suits

Unfortunately he tried to force himself onto a town that wanted nothing to do with him.

If women were going on killing sprees with guns there would absolutely be a robust movement pushing to make it illegal for women to own firearms.

Men are more conditioned to see violence as an acceptable solution. They’re also encouraged not to talk about their feelings and stuff, so they’re less likely to seek help if they’re having problems. There’s also a certain... subculture of men that likes to sit around and bitch about how women are ruining everything

I had plenty of guys want a piece of this (gross) but I was not interested in any of them. And the guys I had huge crushes on just wanted to be friends or never noticed me. But I didn’t shoot up anyplace. I drank a lot and at a lot of ice cream but that was only hurting myself.

“Incel” is such an whimpering term. Many of us are not getting laid, complaining about and blaming all women isn’t the way to deal with it. It’s such a cop out for guys that refuse to see or admit that they have personality flaws that make them unattractive but still haul around a massive bag full of entitlement.

I should not be surprised and yet I am absolutely bowled over. Incels! INCELS. I want to set something on fire.

No, but the guys THINK it has because the only woman they’re willing to acknowledge as human/equal to them are the incredibly hot women who, very generally speaking, probably do have an easier time finding dates and relationships. These types of guys are fixated on the hottest 10% of women, while simultaneously

It just saddens me because there are so many women out there who feel rejected or lonely or sad because they’re single but I have never met a woman who managed to take “I’m sad because I’m single” to the conclusion, “Men are the problem for rejecting me and I must take violent revenge on them.” There are examples of

The thing that always frustrates me is these guys are always saying “NO ONE” will date them when they usually mean “No one who’s 5’5” with 38-28-36 measurements and a Maxim spread who likes to watch anime with me and make me sandwiches.” Granted, this particular guy had deeper issues, but as a formerly lonely nerdy

My mom told me, if just because you can’t get a date doesn’t mean that you stop trying to find someone.

Yup, they figure that a woman could date/have sex with any guy as long as she lowered her standards and risked her safety (because obviously women should not be allowed personal choices in who she dates/sleeps with). But of course men should be handed — never have to work for — a traditionally hot model and never have

not to mention, men are only allowed to feel anger or lust. They can’t be crybabies or too excited about anything or happy or anything except angry and lustful.

Totally. I’m like, like I *haven’t* cried my eyes out over some asshole before? Like I haven’t been seriously depressed because someone I liked didn’t like me back? Who the fuck hasn’t experienced that.

I’m surprised someone hasn’t tried to give the whole “girls don’t sleep with me so I’m murderous” thing a name in the hopes of legitimizing it. Like testicular retention induced psychosis. Or a friendlier sounding “He had a case of the jizzblocked cranial crazies.”

stories like this always freak me out, because long ago, as an angry young man, I too raged at the world about why I was single, trying to blame something else other than my own bullshit.

One aspect of this that really pisses me off (bros being irrationally pissed off that girls don’t want to date them, that is) is that they completely fail to acknowledge that girls and women experience THAT SAME EXACT SHIT. I mean I guess to them, we aren’t fully human, so maybe that explains it.

That photo outside the San Francisco Fruit Market could be San Francisco today, except the homeless people were much better dressed back then, fedoras and all...